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Everyone has that one guilty pleasure that they deny doing and Alfred was no exception. While for others it may be a certain song they listen to, a movie or show they like watching or even a certain food they like but not for Alfred! For him... it was his obsession with... Hamilton.

And when I say obsession I mean, he's bidded over 500$ on eBay to get tickets (which he didn't win sadly), listened to the soundtrack and know most of the song lyrics by heart, read up on the actual history because of it, drew fanart and even owned a fanpage on Instagram! But above all that he of course, read fanfiction. Specifically, fanfiction about a pairing in between Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens.

Forget about his guilty pleasure being Hamilton- no it was for Lams (the ship name).

As of right now he's probably read every single on on Archive of Our Own and Wattpad with new ones coming out everyday.

While this obsession was pretty excessive, surprisingly not many people know of it, and if they did, not to what extent. Hell not even his own roommate knows!

But that didn't stop him from his community and fandom. Especially not when his closest friend in the world was a Lams fanfiction author on Wattpad who went by the name 'TeaAndLamsIsMyPoison' who alongside their one shots and stories wrote a couple... explicit fanfiction.

...Not that Alfred minded- in fact he was reading one right now.

"Alfred what are you doing?" His eyes widened as he turned to face his roommate, Arthur.

Quickly exiting the app he opened up Instagram and pretended to be liking pictures. "What's it to you?"

"You look like you've seen Chris Evans naked- are you watching porn?"

Flustered, Alfred denied it as he definitely wasn't reading about Laurens fucking Alexander in a public bathroom. "What the fuck are you talking about? This is my normal face- and seriously? Porn? I don't watch that!" I read it. He thought silently.

Raising a thick brow, Arthur rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing on the computer.

When he checked that he wasn't being watched anymore, he swiftly went back to what he was reading but not before texting 'Poison' as they called themself about nearly getting caught.

LamsIsLoveLamsIsLife: Poison! Yo dude, was almost caught by roommate xD

It didn't take long for them to reply.

TeaAndLamsIsMyPoison: Really? How?

LamsIsLoveLamsIsLife: Was reading on my bed :P

LamsIsLoveLamsIsLife: The same fanfic btw ;)

TeaAndLamsIsMyPoison: Be more careful. And really? That story is so old! And badly written...

LamsIsLoveLamsIsLife: Still good ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👅👌💦

TeaAndLamsIsMyPoison: ...Don't tell me you masturbate to it....

LamsIsLoveLamsIsLife: Ew wtf no wait brb roomie and I gonna eat lunch ttyl!!!

He turned off his phone when Arthur stood up from his chair and was slipping on his jacket. Looking back down at his phone he saw a response in his notifications.

TeaAndLamsIsMyPoison: Same, tell your roommate about your obsession sometime.

Scoffing, Alfred quickly texted back.

LamsIsLoveLamsIsLife: lol maybe later :P bye!

Once he sent that he put his phone in his pocket to get his shoes on and was about to leave when he noticed Arthur's laptop open uncharged. Knowing it would run out of battery he was going to plug it in and turn it off when he noticed one of the tabs that were open had the familiar orange icon.

Curious, he clicked on it and it opened up to a very familiar profile page:


Word Count: 564

{wrote this weeks ago during P.E when i forgot my kit... and i finally decided to write it here and wow... i had to endure several lams fanfiction to figure out who tops xDD (i dont read lams rip i read kingsbury and jeffmads) and kinda wrote this for shoot_the_musician bc legit all i write now is bc of prompts and ideas from them (but this one i just thought of alfred as a closet hamilfan who shipped lams and arthur as some wattpad porn writer that alfred follows but theyre roommates irl and yeah)

{idk what this fic was rip xDD pls ignore me}


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