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The closest you'll get to smut ^ ^;;

"That feels good, yes," Arthur murmured, blushing a little.

"Not ticklish?" Alfred asked teasingly to which, Arthur kicked him for. "Woah! Easy there Artie, don't be kicking me when I'm doing nice things!"

"No, you're evil," he said into the pillow.

"For asking if you're ticklish?"

It was quiet until Arthur muttered out a "yes".

"Aren't you a little too sensitive?" He chuckled.

"I swear to god Alfred if you talk one more time I will- shit that was nice do that again."

"Not too hard?"


"So... gentle rubs?"





"Ye- Alfred stop making this sound like we're fucking."

"Aren't we though?"

"No, you're just giving me a back massage because someone," he glared back at his boyfriend. "Just had to make me carry all those bags up the stairs."

"Hey! Exercise is good for you!"

"Shut up."

Word Count: 142

{this is cliché I know but I'm on holiday now and literary am just writing a bunch of random drabbles... and the only works I have that are finished aren't usuk or are smut and idk if y'all wanna read that from a 13 y/o

{do y'all want smut from a 13 y/o?

{but I have a(nother) angsty Alfred fic in the works lol}


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