high scores

907 34 7

"Bloody git- I'm most definitely going to get a higher score than you."

"What? No, I'm gonna get a higher score! Higher than 100%!"

"You asshat, you can't get a score higher than 100%!"

"Yes I can!"

"Well you're not getting anywhere if you continue having this argument with me when you should be studying."

"Fine!" Alfred and Arthur were currently arguing about who was going to score higher in their English test. It was the end of unit assessment and them being the competitive rivals that they were, of course they had a competition about who was scoring higher.

"Agh, who needs to books to study when you have google! Google has all the answers!" The American heard the Briton scoff as he shuffled away to a different corner. Their test was going to be taken the next day and no, they weren't excited.

"Alfred, do you need help studying?" The blonde looked up to see his friend Kiku.

"No thanks, a hero's gotta do studying by themselves but thanks." Not wanting any help from others, he tried to study as much as he could but he always ended up being 'burnt out' after five minutes of staring at his screen.

"Ugh I'm not getting anywhere with this! How does Arthur do it anyway? He literally lives in his own head, how the hell does he have time to read?" Deciding to try to sneak up on him, Alfred crept around the corners of the library to where Arthur sat. He saw him sitting down at a table whilst looking through some textbooks.

So he goes through books... but doesn't everyone do that? Sighing in defeat, Alfred walked back to his place and tried studying again.


"I'm gonna beat you, just you wait. I stayed up all night studying my ass off and I'm gonna get a better score." Alfred muttered to himself as he was walking to where the test was taken place. Not without bumping into Arthur on the way though.

"Oh sorry Alfred! I guess we'll see who gets a better score then."

"Yeah... but hey, what happens when one of us wins?" He saw the Brit cock his head to the side in confusion.

"Is there a reward or something?" He continued.

"I don't know actually... should there be one?"

"Well it would be funny. Oh! How about whoever loses has to do whatever the person who wins says for a week?"

"Very plain and unoriginal but okay... I'm going to beat you though." Arthur said with a sly smile before walking into the classroom.

"We'll see about that, Arthur." Alfred muttered before following him into the room.


A week has passed and they all got their tests back and it turns out that-

"Woohoo! I got only one mistake!" Alfred cheered as he shoved his test paper into Arthur's horrified face.

"A half mark off..." He whispered as he looked at the marks. 48½/50.

"Guess I beat you after all, Artie! What question did you get wrong?" He turned to see Alfred looking over his shoulder to see his test. Turning it over he looked down.

"I spelled the word neutralize with an 's' instead of a 'z'..." Arthur muttered quietly. What was heard next was Alfred exploding into a fit of laughter.

"Y-you got a half mark- for spelling a word- the British way! Oh my god!" Soon enough, Alfred was on the floor dying of laughter as Arthur's face reddened with embarrassment and anger.

"Shut up! You bloody Americans don't know how to spell correctly!"

"Well you're the one who decided to go to a 'bloody' American school." He mocked him, attempting to do his accent.

"You're impossible!" Arthur yelled as he stood up and stomped outside, Alfred trailing behind him.

"Aw I'm just joking Artie." He pouted, putting a hand on the Brit's shoulder but he shrugged it off.

"Leave me alone."

"Aww Artiee..."


"You know what will cheer you up?"

"...Smacking your bloody face?"

"Um no, but remember the punishment thing?"

"How the bloody hell is that gonna cheer me up, git?!"

"Maybe it's just gonna cheer me up but hey! You agreed!"

"Fine... what do you want me to do-" Arthur was cut off when Alfred suddenly pressed his lips against his own. Shocked, Arthur froze, not knowing what to do. It was a few seconds when the American pulled away.

"Bye Artie see ya tomorrow!" He suddenly said before running down the hall, leaving a confused Arthur behind.

Word count: 713

{my sister gave me the neutralize idea, i remember getting a mark off by spelling gray with an 'a' instead of an 'e'... it's not my fault- minecraft told me to!}

"OTP places a bet of who scores higher on the exam. Punishment involved? Your choice."
Written by: @unadult  

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