goodbye youtube

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Alfred couldn't believe it as his shaky hands pressed the record button. He couldn't stop the tears that rushed down his face as he stopped his attempts to wipe them away.

He wasn't okay, no point in hiding it.

Alfred has been through losses before but none that has tore his heart this much. He was a strong man but this is what made him cry... it was all so sudden, he never expected it and he never thought it would happen but it did.

And that's all that he could think about.

Though going back to reality, he remembered that the light was flashing and that the camera was catching every moment; every tear that chased his chin- every whimper that escaped his lips as he processed everything. This wasn't scripted, but he didn't care.

Losing a friend wasn't scripted either.

Though instead of being scared of speaking, Alfred opened his mouth and spoke. His voice was small, broken and cracked but it was heard.

"Hey guys. It's Alfred here and this video is... really hard for me to make so just please don't get mad or anything. But this is regarding my friendship with Arthur..." He felt like breaking down just then. This was too difficult for him.

"As you know from Arthur's channel. He has decided to leave his YouTube channel... he is also leaving my channel and he's also leaving me. Whatever you do please don't go to him and get mad at him for hurting me, don't go asking him what happened because this is hard for the both of us. His reasons for leaving aren't for me to answer and I don't know if he is coming back. His decision was so sudden and I didn't see it coming but it happened and I can't do anything about it. I... don't know why he decided to leave our friendship because it really did mean a lot to me. But Arthur... if you're watching this..." He stopped for a moment to breathe. Preparing to cry afterwards.

"I-I just wanted to say that I miss you... and that our friendship was something I cherished and I will remember you. And you don't have to come back if you don't want to, but if you ever want to talk to someone. You can still talk to me... and I'm- I'm sorry-" Alfred got cut off by his sadness taking over. He broke down just then, the tears didn't stop coming and he let them come. He couldn't lie to his viewers about him and Arthur, they would've noticed soon enough.

"I'm sorry. Guys I'm gonna have to take a break from YouTube for a while because this really has affected me... a lot. And you guys deserve to know what's going on. But thanks for listening..."

He ended the video there. He didn't bother to edit it because he wanted to be as transparent with his viewers as much as he could. And if it meant letting them see him break down, so be it. Arthur hurt him... and they deserved to know that...


Alfred didn't do much after that video. He didn't check his social media, his texts- nothing.

And it's because everything just reminded him of Arthur and how much of a good friend he i- was... how much of a good friend he was.

He didn't know why Arthur wanted to stop being friends but it wasn't his choice. It's what Arthur wanted and if he wanted Alfred out of his life, he couldn't talk him out of that.

So for the past few days, Alfred has been 'dead' in his room. Not doing anything. He often read the comments on the video and he smiled at the support. But in the end it all just brought him more sadness. Arthur left him without question! He left for no reason and it was all just so unfair.

Alfred didn't know what he did to drive him away but he didn't know what he could do about it now. Arthur already left, and there was no point in trying to mend their friendship.

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