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Written on my iPad, apologies for any grammar mistakes and stuff ^^"

Arthur hated critique.

No, it wasn't because he was always reminded about how his noses were never centered. Nor was it because his peers never told him anything else other than that- no...

It was because of a certain someone who would never shut up, that is until he's asked to critique anything Arthur painted. And the talking wasn't in the obnoxious talkative way, it was in the they always found something to complain about in every single painting. But for some reason... They never seemed to find anything to say about his.

Most people didn't like critique but for Arthur, he strived for perfection and accuracy and besides the fact that his noses were never centered, he could never find anything else wrong with his paintings. But he knew there was something to improve and change. Was it the color? The shape? The bone structure? He will never know because nobody would ever tell him!

And he thought he would get what he needed when Alfred F. Jones showed up. His loud mouth always picking out the smallest of detail in everything, always something to improve. But for some reason he didn't know, Alfred F. Jones could never say anything about his portraits.

Even when he painted something else, waves for example. Nobody would be able to tell him anything.

And this went on for months. Arthur would continue to be pestered for only his noses. Like there was nothing else wrong with his art. But it was to end today. It was a few minutes after class ended when the Englishman found himself angrily stomping up to Alfred, painting in hand. Alfred turned to notice him when he immediately shoved his painting in Alfred's face.

"What is wrong with my painting?" Arthur demanded, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed in anger and annoyance.

"What's with the question?" Alfred asked, looking down at the Brit who started to fume.

"What is wrong with my painting?" Arthur asked again, patience slipping.

"Look, can't you wait until next cri-"

"I have been waiting for 5 months for someone to tell me something other than the fact that the nose isn't centered, so for God sake please tell me what is wrong with my painting?!" Alfred took a long look at Arthur, then at his painting. It was a portrait of one of their classmates, Francis Bonnefoy if he remembered correctly.

"You asked for it... The nose isn't centered and the eyelashes were seemed to be painted with a way too large brush. There is a little too much of a light tint to the face whereas in your reference picture it seemed a little darker. Some colors are placed in awkward corners and you seemed to forget that some humans have dimples on their face when they smile, Francis is one of these humans. I can see a bit of the white background of the canvas in some areas that aren't opaque and I'm sorry but it really annoys when I watch you paint and you mix with your expensive oil brush. And sometimes you forget to print out your reference photos or even use one for some of your forest paintings... That's all I can think of on the top of my head but wow that was one of the nicest critiques I've ever given... Unless you're asking for my shower of compliments and there are really good properties in this painting like the hair texture and the lips. But I'll suggest you try using a smaller brush for details in the eyes and the eyebrows."

Arthur gawked at the man in front of him before processing the information given... That was what he could've said to him for the past 5 months but yet he chose to stay quiet?!

"I'm sorry but why are you telling me this when I ask you to instead of in the critiquing lesson?" Arthur noticed how Alfred's cheeks turned a little pink.

"Haha, my apologies but I didn't want to seem like picking out every single wrong thing about your painting."

"Bullshit you do that for every other student in the class."

"Well... Truth is, I think you're better at drawing waves than portraits but I don't wanna be that guy telling you that you kinda suck at colors when it comes to skin."

"We'll I'd rather have that than being told my noses aren't centered every single time." Arthur glared at him.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll be harsher next time... But I think you should try painting waves more," Alfred suggested as he turned to walk away but after taking a few steps he turned back at Arthur, "And please invest in buying a palette knife."

Word Count: 783

{au where they're both painters at art school and Arthur just wants harsh critique ok??? Also inspiration by a prompt by @unadult and also Robin Clonts! But that's all for now, gonna try to write more different AUs including a part 2 for 'I Promise' but bye!}


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