It was nice.

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11 months.

It's been 11 months since Alfred had asked him out. 11 months since their awkward first kiss. 11 months since Arthur said 'yes' to being his boyfriend. 11 months of being together.

11 months is a lot.

In a couple weeks it would officially be a year, June 2nd. And what else would overlap June 2nd? Prom night. So you could imagine how excited Alfred was when he found that out, all smiley and ecstatic. He thought it would be perfect to have Prom be how they celebrate their 1 year anniversary if there just wasn't this one small, tiny drawback...

The fact that their relationship was secret.

Neither of them knew how they managed to keep it undercover for so long (with how many times Alfred's nearly slipped up). But frankly, Arthur was pleased with it. Being head boy meant that he had a reputation to uphold, he couldn't afford to receive dirty looks or not be taken seriously by his peers. He represented the school alongside the head girl, Nataylia, he was responsible for a lot of things and he didn't need the stress of a public relationship to weigh over the other things he needed to do.

Alfred was of course okay with this, but as understanding as he was Alfred couldn't help but feel a little bummed out. I mean, who wouldn't? After years of pining after the Brit he finally got to have what he wanted only for it to only be public for two eyes. Hell not even his brother, Matthew knew! And they told each other everything. But at the end of the day he just accepted the fact and was happy that Arthur at least was his boyfriend and not anyone else's.

But not now. June 2nd, their 1 year anniversary, Alfred was determined to convince Arthur to go public no matter the risks,.


"So... Prom's coming up..." Alfred trailed off as Arthur was writing something in his notebook. They were both currently in the library studying for their last set of exams.

"Mhm, and?" Arthur hummed, not looking up.

"You going?"

"I have to, I'm head boy remember?"

"Yeah, right," Alfred paused as silence took over, making it a bit awkward. "You... going with a date or something?"

"If I was, would you be upset?" Arthur raised a brow, looking up at the American.

"Well if it's anyway but me... yes."

Alfred heard the an exasperated sigh, "Alfred we've talked about this-"

"But why-" he whined but was cut off.

"Until I'm 100 percent sure that no one will see me as indifferent if I come out, I won't do it."

Alfred was about to retort when he shut his mouth deciding against it, nothing would change his mind... right now. He'd try again after exams.


After exams he found himself once again in the library, looking for Arthur. It was a little over 3:30 after school and he planned on walking him home. Looking around the huge room he didn't recognize any messy piles of fluffy hair but he did notice one of the student council members.

"Hey Tino, is Arthur here?" Alfred asked, walking up to the man sitting in the arm chair.

Toni looked up from his book and smiled. "Hi Alfred! And yes he is actually! I think he's near the reference books over there," he pointed to a section of the library that was covered in shelves.

"Thanks," Alfred said before walking up to where he was directed to. The reference book section was always his least favorite but for some reason he always found his British boy somewhere in there. Either reading a book he couldn't borrow or just sitting there to do work.

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