Bloody Fences

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Arthur ran down the streets as he heard himself being chased by embarrassment and anxiety as he ran away from the campus. Why was he running away you ask? Well to answer your question, he wasn't really 'running away' it was more like 'escaping humiliation' even if that did nothing.

You see, Arthur is a horrible drunk and with that being said, he just so happened to be drinking the night before... at Francis' house. So in case you couldn't guess already, Francis filmed him doing some pretty questionable (and by questionable I mean embarrassing) things before 'accidentally' sending it to everyone in their class.

And since videos like that spread like wildfire, it ended up floating around the whole school. All while Arthur didn't know this was happening, until the end of the day. He was wondering why everyone looked at him funny during lunch...

"Fucking wanker, who does he think he is? Spreading videos of me around like that, oh I'll get him back... Maybe not now but soon, he'll regret this- agh bollocks! Where am I going?" He suddenly asked himself as he realized he ran into an area he was unfamiliar with. Looking around there was no sign of the school or anything he recognized.

"Did I get lost as I was running? Oh of course I did! How else? Oh- I lost my way while I was flying on a pogostick!" The Briton looked around again before sighing, walking back where he assumed he came from to try to find a way back.

Although that was a bit difficult judging by the fact that he didn't know where he was running to in the first place. But with a little luck, he'll find at least something familiar- and he was right! Just a few minutes later, Arthur found himself near an old playground that was near that one 7-11 that nobody went to. Looking at the time, it was getting a little late so he better rush home before anyone was looking for him. His eyes scanned the area before spotting a wooden fence that was blocking an old road that led straight to his street!

"How convenient..." He said to himself, walking over and eyeing a gap that you could easily crawl through to get to the other side. Tossing his backpack to the other side, Arthur crouched down in attempt to pass through the shortcut. He thought he was about to make it out when-

"Shoot... I can't fit my bloody waist through this! This is just ridiculous, usually it's the whole 'you're too fat' thing but no... it's my waist... my bloody, waist that won't cooperate with the fence!"

"...Who are you talking to?" Arthur's head shot up to see-

"Alfred... oh this is just splendid..."

"There you are again talking to no one. You know you're the only person I know that talks to themselves."

"Says the person that pretends to have interviews with themselves in the shower... I can hear you through the walls you know?"

"Oh hush, at least I don't talk to imaginary unicorns."

"Don't you have better things to do other than arguing with me?"

"Yeah I do, but watching you stuck in the fence is way more fun." Alfred grinned, sniggering a little when he saw Arthur glare at him and try to attack him before realizing... yeah he's still stuck.

Not giving up, the Briton attempted again, trying to squeeze through the hole but to no avail. He gave up after 10 tries, marking his failure with staring at the floor.

"Aw does Arthur need a lil' help?" Alfred cooed, ruffling the Brit's sandy-colored hair.

"N-no! I mean yes- I mean," he fumbled over his words, questioning whether he actually needed it or not before sighing, "yes I would like that very much..."

"So... you do need my help." Arthur knew that damned American was just teasing him. But there was no way in hell he was going to ask again for his amusement.

"C'mon Artie, you need it.~"

"Fine! Can you help me get unstuck from this bloody fence?!"

"Arthur that's such a mean tone! Say it nicely!" Arthur could feel his eyes twitch but what could he do if he was stuck in a fence?

"Ugh- could you help me get unstuck from this fence..."


"WHAT?!" Arthur shrieked.

"You didn't say 'please'." It took all of Arthur's willpower to not explode and strangle the damned American but he gave in.

"...Fine. Could you please," he was testing his patience, "help me get unstuck from this fence?"

"There you go, it never hurts to be nice! But yeah sure, leave it to the hero!"

With that being said, Alfred walked up to where Arthur was and raised his leg... before kicking the fence. Arthur cringed at the sudden action but sighed when Alfred started breaking off the excess pieces to help him get free.

"There you go!"

Arthur crawled to the side where Alfred was and dusted himself off before picking up his bag. He paused for a moment, then started walking down the street to his road. Or he could've done that if it weren't for the specific American holding him back.

"Oi, I didn't hear a 'thank you', geez you are really a stubborn Brit aren't ya?" Blushing furiously, Arthur tried to escape his grasp but it resulted in Alfred holding on to him tighter.

"Just two words Artie." He prompted teasingly, obviously trying to piss him off. In fact, Arthur was confused on whether it was a 'thank you' he wanted or a smack in the face."

"Thank you Alfred, now if you will get excuse me, I have a house to get to and a video to cringe over." Alfred grinned at him as he let go.

"Ah I see, don't worry dude, Francis only sent the more embarrassing ones to me." He winked and turned to walk away. Confused, Arthur shrugged it off and began walking home... again.

Let's just say that the next day, Alfred sent his prayers to Francis as it was almost certain that Arthur was burning him on the stake for sending nude videos of him running down the street... not that Alfred was complaining.  

Word Count: 1007

{I don't know what my opinions should be about this one... ehh I had an idea and saw a prompt.}


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