cats! alfred takes care of them

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Alfred lived a pretty plain life if you asked him. He lived in a small apartment and survived off of a McDonalds pay check, often playing video games and watching horror movies but he still did pretty well in school. Not spectacular but not horrible either.

But putting that aside, Alfred was just doing what he typically did on Sundays. He did some homework before rewarding himself with some CSGO. Well, he could've rewarded himself with CSGO if it weren't for the sudden door knock interrupting him from turning his computer on. Confused, the American looked through the peephole to see a very... cute male on the other side.

"Can I help you?" The blonde asked as he opened the door. Looking at the boy in front of him he looked a little at his features. Sandy blonde hair, unusually bushy caterpill- eyebrows, emerald green eyes and light skin. He was a little short and seemed in a little rush with his hair a little disheveled and the buttons to his shirt not being fully buttoned. But Alfred also noticed that he was holding two small, adorable, kittens.

"I know we just met but the landlord is coming over to where I live and I have two cats..." Alfred raised a brow at the British accent. So he's British...

"And..." He implied for the British male to continue.

"You know these apartments have a 'no pet' policy right?" Alfred nodded.

"I was wondering if you could take care of my cats until the landlord leaves. Please, I beg you." Eyeing him with curiosity, he took a small inspection of the cats in his arms. One was a small Scottish fold, orange spots and white fur. The other, however, was a very fat Persian that had light gray and brown fur.

"I... guess? But I'm not gonna be keeping them here for over a day, dude."

"No it's only for a few hours. I promise I will come back for them."

"Alright, come in then." Seeing the Brit's eyes shine with happiness, he walked into Alfred's apartment and set the cats down.

"But since I am so nice, it would be nice to know your name. Kinda weird to be accepting favors of people I don't know y'know?"

"Oh, sorry. My name is Arthur. Arthur Kirkland and my cats are Crumpet," He pointed at the Scottish fold. "and Hero."

"Hero, huh? They're so cute!" Alfred squealed and picked up the Persian. Nuzzling into its soft fur.

"Thank you, I'm going to just give you their food and I'll be back in a few hours... thank you again."

"No problem!" Alfred smiled happily as he continued to play with the cats when he suddenly realized, I didn't tell him my name yet...


A few hours have gone by and Alfred was just in his room petting Crumpet. Turns out he really is a spoiled cat unlike Hero who just lazes around and eats food all day. Is that spoiled? Not sure.

But as he was petting Crumpet's belly, he heard the doorbell ring. Thinking it's Arthur, he picks Crumpet up and walks over to the door to open it.

"Hey Artie!" He saw how Arthur cringed at the nickname.

"Oh god please don't ever call me that again. But hello to you too... uh... sorry but I don't think I know your name."

"Oh sorry! Heh, god how awkward, name's Alfred!"

"Well hello to you too, Alfred. I see you've taken a liking to Crumpet."

"Heh, he's a cutie." He's not the only one. The American thought to himself.

"Well I think I should be taking my cats back now, thank you again, I owe you one."

Once Arthur got his two cats back, Alfred walked him up to his apartment with the cat food to say goodbye to the cats (and to Arthur as well).

"Well I hope I see you around Artie, you're a cool dude."

"Ah yes, I'm sure we'll meet again Alfred. Thank you- but please don't call me Artie."

"Alright, alright... Artie..."

Word count: 650

"I know we just met yesterday but the landlord is coming over and I have 2 cats please hang out with them for a few hours."
Written by: @unadult  

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