Student Profiles

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Here is some information on the students so that you can get to know them better:

Name: Seth Rollins
Nickname: SR
Birthday: May 28th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Maths
Worst Subject: N/A
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Dean Ambrose
Nickname: Lunatic
Birthday: December 7th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Roman Reigns
Nickname: Big Dog
Birthday: May 25th
Age: 14
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: Drama
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Paige Bevis
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: August 17th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Music
Worst Subject: Politics
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Renee Young
Nickname: ReRe
Birthday: September 19th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Music
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Allan Jones Styles
Nickname: AJ
Birthday: June 2nd
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Physics
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Luke Gallows
Nickname: Gallows
Birthday: December 22nd
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Karl Anderson
Nickname: Anderson
Birthday: January 20th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Biology
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Nicole Bella
Nickname: Nikki
Birthday: November 21st
Age: 14
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: History
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Brianna Bella
Nickname: Brie
Birthday: November 21st
Age: 14
Best Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: B Level

Name: John Cena
Nickname: Champ
Birthday: April 23rd
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Daniel Bryan
Nickname: D-Bry
Birthday: May 22nd
Age: 14
Best Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: English
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Randy Orton
Nickname: Viper
Birthday: April 1st
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Politics
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Finn Balor
Nickname: Demon
Birthday: July 25th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Geography
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Dolph Ziggler
Nickname: Ziggy
Birthday: July 27th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Antonio Cesaro
Nickname: Cesaro
Birthday: December 27th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Art
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Mike Mizanin
Nickname: Miz
Birthday: October 8th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Geography
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Maryse Ouellet
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: January 21st
Age: 14
Best Subject: French
Worst Subject: Politics
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Charlotte Flair
Nickname: Queen
Birthday: April 5th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Spanish
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Lana Perry
Nickname: LaLa
Birthday: March 24th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Drama
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Alexa Bliss
Nickname: Lexi
Birthday: August 9th
Age: 14
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: Politics
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Summer Rae
Nickname: Blondie
Birthday: November 28th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Drama
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Eva Marie
Nickname: Red
Birthday: September 19th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Drama
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Dana Brooke
Nickname: DD
Birthday: November 29th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Gym
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Carmella Dale
Nickname: Mella
Birthday: October 23rd
Age: 14
Best Subject: Music
Worst Subject: History
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Emma Dashwood
Nickname: Em
Birthday: March 1st
Age: 14
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: Politics
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Alicia Fox
Nickname: Foxy
Birthday: June 30th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Music
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Bray Wyatt
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: May 23rd
Age: 14
Best Subject: Chemistry
Worst Subject: Gym
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Luke Harper
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: December 16th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: Gym
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Erick Rowan
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: November 28th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: Gym
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Braun Strowman
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: September 6th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: Gym
Type of Student: C Level

Name: Sasha Banks
Nickname: Boss
Birthday: January 26th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Maths
Worst Subject: Japanese
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Bayley Martinez
Nickname: Hugger
Birthday: June 15th
Age: 14
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: History
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Sami Zayn
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: July 12th
Age: 14
Best Subject: French
Worst Subject: Physics
Type of Student: A Level

Name: Becky Lynch
Nickname: Fire
Birthday: January 30th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: Art
Type of Student: B Level

Name: Natalya Neidhart
Nickname: Nattie
Birthday: May 27th
Age: 14
Best Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: Maths
Type of Student: A Level

Author's Note: I thought this was information that was necessary, it's fine if you don't read it all just as long as you know roughly a little about the characters. The next Chapter is a list of all of the students' timetables and the format of them.

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