Chapter 64

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Friday, May 11th 2020

It was the day of the Elias' concert, on Stamford Island, which meant that school was the least of some students' worries.

Due to having something so exciting to look forward to, each minute of the day passed by as slow as possible.

The concert was the talk of the school that day. Even people who were not attending the spectacle were talking about it.

In English class, Mr Levesque quickly realised that his class had no intention of working quietly, which forced his hand as he let his students do group work instead.

Roman, Dean, Seth, and Sami, crowded around a desk and talked about the night that lay in front of them, or at least three of them did.

Seth Rollins- "This is the first concert I'm going to. I am glad I will be with you two, Dean and Sami."

Roman Reigns- "Just leave me out then."

Sami Zayn- "Hold on. We offered you a ticket and you laughed at us."

Roman Reigns- "I know, however it's not my fault I don't like Elias."

Dean Ambrose- "I'm not caring about the music, man. I just want to go for the experience."

Seth Rollins- "And the company?"

Dean Ambrose- "Sure, the company too."

Roman Reigns- "I hope you guys have fun, in all seriousness."

Sami Zayn- "I appreciate that."

Roman Reigns- "You can tell the girls I said that too."

Dean Ambrose- "You are feeling generous today. What's wrong?"

Roman Reigns- "Is it that obvious that something is wrong?"

Dean Ambrose- "To be fair, you have been scribbling cuss words on a piece of paper since this period started."

Roman looked down at his paper and quickly crumpled it up.

Roman Reigns- "I can't let Mr Levesque see that. He knows my handwriting."

Seth Rollins- "What's on your mind, big dog?"

It was clear that Roman was troubled by something. Before he spoke, he rubbed his face with both eyes and loudly exhaled.

Roman Reigns- "Ok, I'm having a really hard time getting over Paige."

Dean Ambrose- "Dude, we've been over this. Plenty of fish in the sea, get yourself back in the game, create a Tinder account."

Seth Rollins- "You need to be eighteen for Tinder."

Dean Ambrose- "Look at the size of Roman and tell me he couldn't pass off as eighteen."

Seth glanced at Roman, who let the smallest of smiles creep onto his face.

Seth Rollins- "Yeah, fair enough, continue."

Dean quickly laughed to himself before he continued.

Dean Ambrose- "My point is that you won't get any happier by moping around all lonely and sad. You need someone or something to take your mind off it and I think kissing other girls would do that."

Roman Reigns- "Has that worked for you, Dean?"

Dean Ambrose- "Come on, you know there have been zero relationships for ol' Deano over here."

Dean raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself, throughout his last comment, which led to another smile from Roman.

Roman Reigns- "That's right, I forgot about that."

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