Chapter 2

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December 27th 2019

A couple of months had passed and it was now after Christmas and a rainy day in December. It was finally the day that the Rollins family would set off for Stamford Island.

Their house had been purchased by a family with two kids.

They had everything they owned packed up in a moving truck, which Seth's family would drive from Iowa to Florida. It would take an entire day of travelling to get to Stamford Island.

Seth was sitting in the front of the moving truck on his phone when he heard a chap at his window, it was Marek.

Seth rolled down his window.

Marek Brave- "So this is it."

Seth Rollins- "Goodbye, Marek, I'll miss you."

Marek Brave- "I'll miss you too, buddy."

Seth leaned out the window and the two hugged. Marek stepped back as Seth's parents got in the moving truck. Seth and Marek waved goodbye to each other as the truck pulled away.

The day long journey from Iowa to Florida began. The family went through Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee and Georgia to get to Florida.

The journey was long, Seth either slept or looked out the window and thought about his life that he was leaving behind in Davenport, Iowa. He wasn't looking forward to life in Stamford. Nothing his parents could tell him would make him want to move, they tried their hardest but it just wouldn't be that simple.

The family stopped off at garages and truck stops to get food and fuel.

Seth noticed how happy his parents were to be moving and just couldn't grasp why they felt this way.

Seth Rollins- "I need to ask you guys something."

Mr Rollins- "Ask away."

Seth Rollins- "I'm depressed to be leaving Iowa but you guys aren't even showing the slightest hint of sadness, why are you guys like this?"

Mr Rollins- "Where we are heading is an absolutely beautiful island with history and culture and the school system is incredible. We aren't sad because we know that it's what's best for us and, more importantly, it's what's best for you."

Seth Rollins- "You don't know that."

Mr Rollins- "I have a hunch and the only way to find out is to try it."

Seth went back to staring out the window and thinking as the truck kept going on its route.

After an entire day of travelling, the Rollins family made it to the Stamford Bridge. As soon as they crossed it they'd be on Stamford Island.

They paid the toll booth fee and drove over. Seth was sleeping at this point so his mother woke him up to let him take a glimpse at his new home.

Mrs Rollins- "Seth, wake up, we are here."

Seth moaned and stretched before sitting up and looking out the window to see the bridge around him, the deep blue water below him and the island in the distance.

The family drove around until they found their house. Navigation around the area was easy, the entire thing was a load of roads set up in squares with small roads going towards the next square road which was closer to the middle of the island.

Before unpacking the moving truck, the family went into the house to check it out. It was a fairly big house with three bedrooms, a kitchen, two toilets, a dining room, a living room, an attic and a basement.

Mrs Rollins- "It looked great in the booklet that the estate agent gave us but it looks even better in person."

Mr Rollins- "We've struck gold with this house. Seth, go check out your room. It's the one with the blue walls. Meanwhile, me and your mother can try and find the basement that we were told was in here."

Seth went upstairs to check out his new room. It was empty so every step he took echoed.

Seth Rollins- "So this is where I'm going to be spending my High School years, in here, blasting music."

Seth heard a knock at the front door of the house and heard his parents talking to someone, he stood at the top of the stairs and listened in on the conversation.

Mr Rollins- "Hello, sir, it's nice to meet you."

Mr McMahon- "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Mr McMahon, the Principal at WWE High School, and I like to have a close relationship with the parents of the next set of pupils that will be coming into my school. Due to my position of authority, I was told exactly when you arrived on the island and thought I'd come over and greet Seth and his family. I got the opportunity to meet all the other parents during the induction days where the children and their parents came to the High School for a week and sat in the classes to see what the kids would be learning. It's a shame that, due to the time your move occurred, you missed that and a shame for Seth too. The other kids know their way around the school and poor Seth is going in blind."

Mr Rollins- "Seth is a bright kid so he should be able to grasp the navigation part pretty early."

Vince McMahon- "I'm glad to hear that, is he around by any chance?"

Mr Rollins- "He's upstairs, let me shout him down. Seth, there's someone here to see you!"

Seth waited a couple of seconds before slowly making his way down the stairs.

Mr McMahon looked quite old, he wore a suit and had a smile on his face.

Mr McMahon- "You must be Seth, I'm Mr McMahon."

Seth Rollins- "Hi."

Mr McMahon- "You've got a big year ahead of you, Seth."

Seth Rollins- "I'm ready for it."

Vince McMahon- "Good spirit in this boy too. I'll go now, I hope your move goes well. I can't wait to see Seth on January first for his first day."

Seth's dad shut the door behind Mr McMahon.

Seth Rollins- "How the hell does he know where we live?"

Mrs Rollins- "When we enrolled you in the school we had to put our address on it, silly."

Seth Rollins- "It's a little bit weird."

Mr Rollins- "You're just paranoid, you should go out, get some fresh air, explore the island and make yourself some friends, it looks nice outside."

Suddenly, thunder started roaring and rain started pouring down from the sky.

Seth Rollins- "At least something out there is looking out for me, I'm going to my room. See you guys later."

Seth ran upstairs leaving his parents in the hall at the entrance of their house.

Mrs Rollins- "I can't lie, I'm a little bit worried about him fitting in."

Mr Rollins- "He will be fine, like I said to Seth, you just need to trust me."

Mr and Mrs Rollins hugged in the hall.

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