Chapter 23

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Saturday, January 20th 2020

It was the day of Charlotte's party which meant that Charlotte and some of her fellow cheerleaders were getting her house ready to host the people that would be coming over.

They set a table up which would have food and drinks on it by the time guests started arriving. They set up Bluetooth speakers so that they were connected to any phone and could play music and they locked certain rooms in the house such as Charlotte's father's bedroom.

Alexa Bliss- "I think we did a pretty good job putting all this together."

Dana Brooke- "I have to agree with you."

Charlotte Flair- "Mella, you made the music playlist, didn't you?"

Carmella Dale- "You know it."

Lana Perry- "Get it on, we can chill while we wait for the brownies to finish cooking."

Charlotte Flair- "I hope people enjoy their time here, I want them to have fun but I don't want them to think that I went over and beyond just to get people to like me."

Alicia Fox- "You did fine."

Eva Marie- "I know people will have fun and hopefully you do to, especially if AJ comes."

Charlotte Flair- "AJ is coming."

Alexa Bliss- "You need to tie that boy down. If not, he might see something else that catches his eye. You know how boys can be."

Charlotte Flair- "I should ask him out, I know I should, but I get a little nervous around him."

Carmella Dale- "That's perfectly normal, don't worry, just remember who you are. You're Charlotte Flair and you are comfortable in your own skin."

Charlotte Flair- "I'm Charlotte Flair and I'm comfortable in my own skin."

Summer Rae- "Go and get him."

Over at the Bella residence, Nikki, Brie, John, Daniel, Roman, Dean and Seth were getting ready and adding the final touches before they left for the party.

The guys were fairly casual whereas the Bella twins opted for a slightly fancier attire and therefore it took them longer to get ready.

Dean was getting fidgety and felt the need to walk around the living room and inspect every inch of it and every ornament in the room.

Daniel Bryan- "Dean, if you break something I will kill you."

Dean Ambrose- "When have I ever been a clumsy person?"

Roman Reigns- "The time in elementary school when I drew that picture of Nemo and you spilled water all over it."

Daniel Bryan- "The time that I told you to hang onto earrings I bought for Brie and you dropped them in the toilet."

John Cena- "You also broke my dad's car wing mirror with a baseball."

Dean Ambrose- "I didn't realise this was pick on Dean day."

Seth Rollins- "If it makes you feel better, I don't think you're clumsy."

Dean Ambrose- "I knew there was a reason I liked you."

Seth Rollins- "Hold that thought, I just remembered the time we were walking to the beach and you slipped going down the grass hill and tumbled down it."

Roman Reigns- "I forgot about that one."

Dean Ambrose- "I need new friends. It's just a shame everyone else around her is an asshat."

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