Chapter 66

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Monday, May 14th 2020

The weekend had passed since Seth Rollins was attacked by Gallows and Anderson. Even though there was no school on the two days between then and now, they were not wasted days.

Dean Ambrose walked to school with confidence that morning, albeit he was alone because Seth was too hurt to make it to school that day.

He had been planning the best course of action to take and had his plan ready to go. If the plan worked, AJ, Luke, and Karl, would likely never want to mess with Dean, or even Seth, ever again.

Dean got to the school gates and stopped in his tracks, before taking a few deep breaths to relax himself.

Dean Ambrose(thought)- "No matter what happens, you just keep going."

His thoughts were interrupted by the vibrating of his phone. He pulled it out to see a text from Roman, which said that Roman had some Physics homework to finish off and that he wouldn't be in the cafeteria when he got in.

Dean walked onto the school grounds and made his way into the cafeteria, to look around for The Club.

To his surprise, none of The Club were in yet, which immediately made Dean question the disappearance of his sworn enemies.

Bayley Martinez- "Dean!"

Dean turned to his left to see Bayley, sitting with Brie, Daniel, and Nikki.

Bayley Martinez- "Come and sit with us. Are you ok?"

Dean slowly approached them.

Dean Ambrose- "Yeah, I'm good. Have any of you seen AJ, Gallows or Anderson?"

Daniel Bryan- "I saw them leaving here, they mentioned the science labs but I didn't hear why they would be going up there."

Dean Ambrose- "What do people use the science labs for, Bryan?"

Daniel Bryan- "It depends. I normally see people using them as a sort of quiet place to go and do homework in."

Dean Ambrose- "Do you know who supervises them?"

Daniel Bryan- "Nobody that I know of."

Dean jumped up from his seat at the table and bolted for the cafeteria door.

Dean Ambrose- "Crap. I will see you guys later."

Just as he exited and turned left he was face to face with Renee.

Renee Young- "Oh hey, Dean. I actually really wanted to talk to you about something important."

Dean Ambrose- "Can it wait? I have places to be."

Renee Young- "Where could you possibly need to be at this time in the morning?"

Dean Ambrose- "I just need to go. I will catch up with you later."

Dean set off running again and made a break for the science labs. He leapt up flights of stairs, taking three steps per stride.

When he got to the science lab, he burst into the room, swinging the door open with a loud thud.

Dean Ambrose- "Roman!"

Dean got no response from his shout and he immediately knew something was wrong.

Dean Ambrose- "Roman!"

Once again, Dean got no answer. He took a quick look around the room, before he found the closet of the room.

He immediately kicked the door open with as much force as he could generate. When he opened it, he looked to the floor to see his brother, Roman Reigns, laid out on the floor, clutching his knee. Dean immediately fell to his knees and grabbed Roman.

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