Chapter 12: Office Spaces

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"Hey, are you ok? You have been spaced out all day." Gary said while walking into Anne-Lee's office.

"Yea, I'm fine I just finished all of my work early and i'm just bored. Assface won't let me off early."

"Awe, my poor baby." Gary gave her a genuine smile. "Well, I got some mail for you and Assface."

"You might not want to call him that I don't want to risk you getting fired. I wouldn't know what to do if you left me here with these people."

"Oh don't worry baby girl. I wouldn't trust you around these people for anything."

"Thanks Gary," Anne-Lee smiled at him. "I really appreciate you and everything."

"Excuse me,"Both Gary and Anne-Lee looked towards the door way. It was Nancey. This time she hadn't come with her parents. "Is Nathan in his office?"

"Yea, I can send you in hold on." Anne-Lee said and buzzed in Nathan's office. "Listen, your sister is here and I'm going to send her in."

"Tell her i'm bus-"  Anne-Lee cut him off.

"You can go on in. If he does anything to you let me know and I'll escort you out."

"Why would he do something to me?" Nancy asked.

"Oh i'm sorry, I forgot that you were his sister. He brings a lot of girls around here with not the purest of thoughts. I real nasty habit if you ask me. It's a shame that I have to buy cleaning supply on the regular."

"Yea, he is pretty umm..."



"He is a Womanizer. Like I said you can go right in." Anne-Lee said and went back to talking to Gary.

Nancey schofted. She could understand why she acted that way towards her. Nancey walked in the office and closed the door.

"So, I see you are not afraid of losing your job." Gary said.

"Please, I'm trying to lose my job."Anne-Lee said and put her head on her desk.

"Well, I see that you are trying girl."

"I just need to leave the city and never come back. I can probably stay with my mom she is in the next town over. I just need a vacation from him."

"Well, tonight I'll drive you to your mom's house if you need me too."

"That would be nice."


"So, what's the point of keeping her here if she hates your guts? And why do you keep parading girls in front of her?"

"She is special and I don't want her away." Nathan told her and placed his elbows on his desk and placed his balled fist in front of his lips.

"Oh shit," Nancey looked at Nathan and could tell what was going on. "You have turned or are going through transformation into him. You haven't been this way since Natalia. She must be really doing something to you."

"She is so beautiful to me It would be foolish to let her slip from me." Nathan said. Then he looked up at his sister. "What are you doing here anyway? I told her to tell you I was busy. I have to go to a meeting in about 10 minutes."

"I came to tell you that me and Robin are going steady." Nancey said. Nathan eyes got wide.

"Well, I think he is using you."

"I don't think so. Why aren't you happy for me?" Nancey retored back.

"Because that shitstain is trying to get Anne-Lee back. I won't allow it. If you don't believe me then fine keep seeing him but don't come back to me when something goes down and I have to torture the bastard."
"You'll see Nathan. If you ever manage to get a date with Anne-Lee I want to go on a double date."

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