Chapter 14: Flying Back To The Cage

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"Mama, are you sure you don't want to roll with me?"

"No baby, Mama will roll with you another time to kick someone's ass." Gale kissed her daughter on the cheek and hugged her.

"Now, you go tell your crazy ass boss that if he does that shit again GAD will come and kick is ass." Gale said.

"I gotcha ma." Anne-Lee through her stuff in the car. "I love you."

"Love you too baby now go and put him in his place." Gale said and went into the house.

Anne-Lee drove off and sped down the highway. If she had to be honest to herself, she knew there was something about Nathan that was pulling her towards him. Not in the friendly way either it was something way more that friendly. Nothing negative. Like she was supposed to trust him. Like she was supposed to be near him. It bothered her. She wasn't supposed to be attracted to him. A womanizer. A dog. A crazy man.

"Urgh!" Anne-Lee she yelled at herself in frustration.

He dosen't care about me. She tried to convince herself. It wasn't working but she kept trying to convince herself.

You had feelings for the monster in LA. You realized it when he had you in his arms and when he was with another girl.

"Stop it!" She told herself. Great she was talking to herself now.

You have feelings for him. You just want him to tell you that he doesn't have feelings for you.  So you can just move on but truth is you will never move on.

Anne-Lee sighed. Her inner voice was right. She didn't like the feelings that she had for him but they were there.

Anne-Lee saw the roadblock and she slowed her car down. She pulled out her license then she recognized some of the men at the block. She realized she didn't need to show her license.

"Roll down your window." she saw the policeman say. She rolled it down.

"Tell him i'm back and to meet me at the office." She said.


"Let her pass and clear the roadblocks!" Thomas said. Then he pulled out his phone. "Sir, she is back and on the way to the office."

"Don't let this happen again Thomas." Nathan said. He never did leave the office. He was too busy moving Anne-Lee's desk inside his office and making the room outside his office into a waiting room. He had took his tie off and unbutton some of his buttons in the process. He sat in his chair and looked out at the city. He just waited for her to come through his office doors. Then he heard his door open and close.

"Nathan." Anne-Lee said. His eyes widened. She had finally said it and it sounded better than he had imagined. He turned around to see Anne-Lee with a disapproving face. She never did change clothes she still had on some shorts and a v-neck t-shirt. She also had on some high-top white Converse. "What the hell is going on."

"You left before I could say you could go." Nathan told her. "I got worried."

"I'm not that special," Anne-Lee said calmly. She through her purse on the couch. "Why is my desk in here?"

"You will be working closely with me now." Nathan said and watched as she walked around to her desk. He watched her every move. Anne-Lee bent down to see if all the files were still organized. "You are special Anne-Lee because I say that you are special."

"Bullshit. I'm calling it."

"I'm telling you it's not I feel that you are special."

"You know what," Anne-Lee slammed her desk shut. "That's what I need you to tell me. How DO you feel about me?" She stood over Nathan now. Nathan looked up at her with his green eyes. He could smell her again it drove him crazy. Her wearing shorts didn't make it better.

"You want to know how I feel about you?"Nathan said dropping his voice a little bit lower. He pulled her in on his lap and used one arm into place to keep her there. He used he free hand to caress her face. "I'm absolutely crazy about you Anne-Lee."

Damnit that wasn't the response that I wanted. Anne-Lee thought

"I have never wanted a woman to be mine so badly. You carry yourself with so much sass and class. You are the only woman other than my mother who has stood up to me. You have told me how you felt countless of times. You speak your mind." Nathan said. He placed his forehead on hers.

Nope. Nope. Nooope. Anne-Lee thought. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING

"What?" Anne-Lee chuckled. Then she looked at Nathan and his face never changed. "Oh, you are serious."

"You think I wasn't serious?"Nathan said. "You are the most beautiful thing to me and you have the most beautiful laugh." Anne-Lee started to notice how dangerously close Nathan's lips were too hers. "You don't know how hard it is for me not to pull you in my arms everyday."

Ho-ly shiitt. Anne-Lee thought.

"You don't know how bad I want to taste you." Nathan said. "How bad I want to place you on my desk and pleasure you over and over again. To hear you cry out my name and beg me to stop. I want to rip you into pieces.  I want you to be mine. I have wanted you to be mine ever since you stepped into my office." Nathan whispered to her.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Anne-Lee thought. Then she placed her hands on his bare open chest. She didn't mean to place her hands there it just automatically went there. Nathan sucked in some air. Her hands felt so good on him.

"You touch feels so good. I need you Anne-Lee." Nathan said. "I love you." Then he kissed her. Her lips were better than he had imagined. They were soft and warm. They moved perfectly in sync with his. This felt good Anne-Lee also.It felt so right to her. Nathan's hands started to roam. Her body felt so good pressed up against his. He picked her up and placed her on his desk. He lost his control.

"Nathan." She said in the midst of their kissing.

"Oh god, I can't stop." Nathan responded helplessly. "I want you so badly." Nathan was leaning over her now. He wrapped Anne-Lee's legs around him even though they were still dressed. Anne-Lee wrapped her arms around his neck. But she had to stop him.

"Nathan, listen to me we have to stop." Anne-Lee pushed him off gently.

"What's wrong?! Did I come off strong?" Nathan asked he had a hint of worry in his voice.

"I knew there was something." Anne-Lee said breathlessly. "I just didn't know what it was."

"Do you feel the same way?" Nathan asked. He was watching her every move once more.

"I's just...I need to think." Anne-Lee said.

"Do what you must but just know that now that I have gotten a taste of those lips. I want more." Nathan said. "I want you too fucking much right now, you need to leave before I lose my mind."

"Are you sur-"

"Go, before I put you on my desk and do more than just tasting." Nathan said a little bit too calmly. Anne-Lee never ran so fast in her life. She grabbed her purse and jetted out. She ran to the elevator For the rest of the night she stayed in her apartment and thought.

Well, this changes everything. Now, how the fuck am I going to get through this.

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