Chapter 22: Acceptance

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When Anne-Lee woke up she was cold probably because she fell asleep on the couch in her room that Nathan had made her. Then she remembered everything that happened last night. She decided to change clothes and put on some PJ pants and a short sleeve v neck shirt. And she found some fuzzy socks to walk around the house in.

Then she heard the doorbell she heard Micheal,which was Nathan's butler, answer the door. She didn't feel like meeting new people today so she stayed in her room. Then she heard the room Next Door open the door. She heard the roar of Nathan's voice echo through the house.

"What the hell do want?" Nathan said and walked down stairs.

"Is that a way to greet your dear brother?" Harrison smirked at his brother. Who had damp hair from a shower. Nathan had just got through working out and he had on some blue jeans and a nice shirt.

"It how I greet an annoyance to me." Nathan said then he sat in his chair in the living room. Harrison sat on the couch across from him and crossed his legs. "What do you want? I got things to take care of today."

"I went to your office today and you and my lovely butterfly wasn't there." Harrison said. "When I walked in despite everything being clean and you having brand new carpet on the floor. I felt that something was wrong but not with you but with my butterfly."

"Nothing happened with my Birdie." Nathan said. "I'm taking care of her so it shouldn't matter to you."

Anne-Lee went out the back door she told herself she needed to have fun. So, she looked in her closet to find a swimsuit it was a two piece golden yellow swimsuit. She said she to herself that she would go swimming today. So she walked down stairs quietly and notices that the doors to the living room were closed.

"Yes." She whispered to herself and went out the back door to the pool. She found a bluetooth speaker and she started to play a spotify playlist called "Smooth Night Mix" by niadelee. Consisting of Anita Baker, Sade, Patti Labelle, and other artist. After the first song started she sumerged herself in water.

Nathan and Harrison was still talking while Anne-Lee was swimming.

"I know you are lying to me." Harrison said.

"I'm not. I said she is ok so don't worry about her." Nathan retorted.

"Then why was the sent of blood in your office? You forgot to clean up that smell." Harrison said.

"You can either sit her and waste your time or you can get out. I tol-" Nathan stopped when he heard music from the backyard. He got up and rushed back and Harrison followed. When they walked back they saw Anne-Lee jump into the pool. Anne-Lee cursed herself so she tried to hide herself. Then she realized that the water was clear and it looked like Nathan was about to jump into the pool because he thought she was drowning. He had his shirt off from what she could see. Soon she gave up and swam to the edge of the pool and got out. It seemed as soon as she got out "Between the Sheets" by The Isley Brothers came on.

It was like everything happened in slow motion. When she got out the sun hit her skin just right. The water dripping of her made Nathan's mouth water and Harrison's too. Harrison started adjusting his tie because he started to get hot. When she walked towards them she jiggled in the right places. Nathan had to buy her more two pieces more often.

"Good-morning," Anne-Lee said to both of them. They didn't respond they were too busy staring at Anne-Lee's body. How Nathan just wanted to indulge himself in Anne-Lee. He want to untie her top and go to work on her. "Hello?" Anne-Lee snapped her fingers to try to get his attention.

"Morning Butterfly." Harrison said grabbed her and hugged her despite her being wet. "Excuse my brother he can be rude in the mornings. You look absolutely stunning today."

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