Chapter 1: Meet The Boss

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"Anne-Lee Daniels, your next." Her mysterious might be boss yelled from inside his door. Anne-Lee got up and dusted her skirt off. She made sure that her shirt was all the way button. She made shirt she didn't have to much skin showing and that her classes were straight and her hair was in a ponytail. She walked with grace in that office. She did have a business degree and she knew how to have a straight face. She was 24, black and big. She had a medium style hair length her hair came to her shoulders. She had dark brown eyes and a medium nose and heart shaped lips.

She held her resume in her hand. She pushed the door open and walked into the huge office and once she closed the door she turned to see the most handsome man she had ever seen but that didn't break her face. She kept it professional, and stared at him dead in his eyes.

Nathan Young stared as she walked in seeing if she was going to break. But she didn't it was like his eyes wasn't doing anything to her. Usually his eyes were the first thing that would make people break under presser.

Nathan Young has always been mysterious to people. He was the non- marrying type of course he had slept with women but he would never marry them. Date yes, marry no. But he felt an attachment to this woman he had just met.

Nathan had brunette hair and light green eyes. He was buff and very brownly. He had a very strong chin line and a five o'clock shadow. He had perfect teeth and everything. He had a cold shoulder to everyone that he would meet except family.

"Hello Sir, my name is Anne-Lee Daniels and I would like take the position of being your personal assistant." Anne-Lee held out her hand for him to shake. To Nathan this was the first woman to not be seductive to him. He stood up and shook her hand and gave her his billon dollar smile to see how would she react. She didn't she just smiled back she didn't freeze up she didn't start wiggling nothing.

"It's nice to meet you may I see your resume?" Nathan asked and Anne-Lee handed her resume. "Please take a seat." Nathan gestured her. Nathan looked he was very impressed at her resume she had graduated at the top of her class. She majored in business. She had a clean disciplinary record.

"So, tell me Mrs.Daniels-"

"Sir, not meaning to interrupt but is 'Miss' Daniels I'm not married. It's a habit for me to correct people."Anne-Lee with a straight face.

'She has the guts to interrupt me, at least I know she at the top of her toes.' Nathan thought as he stared at her coldly but she still didn't break. He looked at her Facebook page.

"So Miss Daniels, tell me what do you like to do?" Nathan scrolled.

"I like writing and reading. I listen to music most of my time. I like to cook time to time and be free. That's about it sir." Anne-Lee told him.

"Well that sounds boring,"Nathan said bluntly. "Being as young as you are." Nathan looked at her pictures on Facebook there was no dirt on her. She was clean all her statuses was about how well she was doing in school and her grades.

"Excuse me sir?"Anne-Lee change her facial expression it went from straight to slight anger. 'How dare he? I'm not like those people. None.'

"You, seem dull."Nathan saw her face he knew he was hitting a nerve. He smirked and looked up at her.

"Well, I'm not a party person sir. I am a person who thinks their job is important." Anne-Lee change back her facial expression to a straight face.

"Is that right?" Nathan raised an eyebrow and smirked. He just stared at her she didn't crake she just stared right back. 'I love her ambition. Something I need on my side.'

"Yes, Mr. Young." Anne-Lee already didn't like him. 'Why do the cute ones always have to assholes?' she thought.

"I'm impressed with your resume, but I have one question for you." Nathan stood up and walked in front his desk and leaned on it. His 6'6 height stood over her 5'6. she looked up at him. "Why do you want this job?"

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