25) Ignis

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I scurried away from the campsite to the field of flowers I found earlier when we passed by in the Regalia. I had my drawing pad and a pencil with me so I could sketch. What caught my eye was a flower that was blue. It was the only blue one for miles which was strange. I sat down on my knees and began drawing the flower. Keeping details in mind, I examined the petals closely. I began humming to myself as I completed the drawing. Next, I drew a yellow and purple flower. Finally, I drew the beautiful red flower that was growing taller than any other flower in the field.

"Maybe I'll finish that one picture I started..." I mumble and turn to an unfinished picture. It was a portrait of Ignis that was only missing a few details. "(Y/n)." I slam my drawing pad close and smile at Ignis who snuck up behind me. "I-Ignis, hello," I greet, hoping he didn't see the drawing. He sat next to me and glanced at me with worry. "Are you alright? You've been acting strange ever since we left Insomnia," he said. I nodded and accidentally dropped my pencil. I noticed my hands were shaking. I've always been nervous around him. It started when I figured out that I have feelings for him. I nervously laugh and pick up my pencil.

Ignis was looking at me and I could tell he didn't believe me. He didn't push for answers and I was glad about that. "Let's head back," he said. I stand up and brush the grass off my clothes. Ignis walked in front while I towed behind him a little ways. A sigh escaped me as I held my drawing pad with a death grip. We reach the campsite and see Promtpo and Noctis messing with each other like kids. Gladio was pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He must be getting a headache from those two. Ignis ignored the two with the best of his abilities and began cooking dinner.

 Ignis ignored the two with the best of his abilities and began cooking dinner

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"(Y/n)~!" Prompto sang my name and sat by me. "Hi, Prom," I greet. He was looking at my old drawings with me. "I wish I could draw. I can't even draw a stick figure to save my life," he whined. I giggle and turn the page over. "Is that Iggy?" I realized I turned to the portrait and started blushing. I scrambled to shut the drawing pad and accidentally gave myself a paper cut. I hissed in pain and Prompto gasped. "I'll get you a band aid!" He took off to search for the medical kit. I felt someone tap my shoulder a few seconds later and saw it was Ignis. He handed me a band aid. "Prompto informed me of your cut." Ignis sat down next to me with two plates. I noticed the others were already eating with smiles on their faces. "Thank you, Ignis."

He hands me a plate and we ate together in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence between us. It was a peaceful silence that was relaxing and refreshing. "Whelp, I'm going to sleep," Prompto announced. He went into the tent and went to bed. Noctis soon followed with Gladio short behind. The only two up were Ignis and I. "I'll help you clean up," I say and take his plate. "Much appreciated, (Y/n)." I nodded and cleaned the plates and cups. Ignis took care of the cooking utensils and chairs. After a few minutes of cleaning, we were done. "Go on to bed. I'll put out the fire," I speak up. He nods and heads into the tent. I pour water on the fire and hear it hiss as the water hits the wood. I yawned and headed to my own tent. Ignis insisted I have my own tent so I would feel comfortable and not have to sleep with four men. "Thank Etro for him." I enter the tent and fall asleep easily.

The next morning I hear the sound of Chocobos close by. I run off and didn't forget my drawing pad. I found a small family of Chocobos and climbed a nearby tree. They were grazing and the babies were chirping happily. I quickly sketch them out and admire as the babies chase each other. I giggle and turn to another page. I drew the babies having fun and grooming their beautiful yellow feathers. A familiar roar sounded close and I saw a sabertusk closing in on the Chocobos. The parents sensed the monster and quickly took off. They left one of the babies behind and its foot was stuck in mud. I jumped down and ran to the baby Chocobo. I picked it up and cradled it in my hands. The sabertusk roared and started charging after me.

I held the Chocobo close to my chest and ran for my life. I forgot about my drawing pad and left it in the tree. "Stupid sabertusk," I spat. My legs were growing tired and my lungs were burning. I've never ran so fast in my life. A small rock caught my attention and I hid the Chocobo behind it. "Stay here while I take care of that big meanie," I whisper. The Chocobo chirps as if it could understand what I said. I summon my spear and charge at the sabertusk. In matter of minutes, the sabertusk is killed and its blood was everywhere. It was all over my face and I wiped some off. "(Y/n)!" Ignis yells my name as he and the others run towards me.

"Nice job," Gladio comments. "I try my best," I grin. The chirp of the baby Chocobo grew as it trotted over to me and snuggled against my leg. I giggled and picked it up. The baby started nuzzling its head against my cheek. "Now I understand," Ignis said with a smile. He wiped some blood off my cheek with his hand. "You saved the baby Chocobo?" Prompto asked with a gleam in his eyes. I nodded and Prompto's eyes started to glow even more. I knew about his fascination of Chocobos, but I didn't know it was this deep. A loud chirp came from behind us and I saw the parents of the baby. I placed the baby on the ground and it ran over to its parents. They chirped in glee and made sure not to leave their baby behind. They all left in a hurry and I smiled.

"Oh! I have a present for you!" I said out of the blue to Ignis and ran back to the tree where I left my drawing pad. I nimbly climbed the tree and retrieved the pad. I jumped down and pulled out the sketch of Ignis. I hand it over to him with a blush. "Happy birthday, Ignis." He was shocked at what I said. "You... Remembered?" He asked. I nodded and he flipped the page over. His eyes grew wide as they scanned over the sketch of himself. "I'm so jealous! Could you draw me next, (Y/n)?" Prompto asked. "Nope, this was only a surprise for Ignis. If you want a sketch, you're going to have to ask another artist," I say with a grin. Prompto whines and Noctis drags him away. Gladio follows them back to camp and only Ignis and I are left. "I've also made a birthday cake for you and you're off of cooking duty for the rest of the day. I've got it covered," I informed him.



"May I ask another thing of you?"

"Of course! Don't hold back, Ignis."

Without another word, his lips found mine. It was a quick and sweet kiss. I began to blush and couldn't speak. "I love you, (Y/n)." Ignis began to smile which made my heart race even more. "I-I... Uh... Um..." My brain was too scrambled to even form a proper word. Ignis pecked me on the forehead and grabbed my hand. He entwines our fingers and thanks me for the drawing. "How long did it take you to draw this?" He asked. "A few weeks."

"It's perfect. Thank you for the birthday present, (Y/n). I'm very glad to have you in my life." I smiled and felt tears of happiness stream down my cheek. "I love you, Ignis." We exchanged more sweet kisses and both of us got lost in ecstasy.

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