165) Noctis

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Unpacking for the night was bearable until Zin and Zen began to mess with each other. The two baby dragons rolled around, nipping at each other playfully. Gladio took the chairs from me so I could deal with the troublemakers. Stomping over to them, I stand in between the two. Zin and Zen stare up at me with confused eyes as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Alright, you two. No more fighting. We can't have you destroying anything," I sternly state. Both of them nod and plop on their behinds with small pouts. I giggle and pat them on the head. "Just... behave for tonight. I promise to let the both of you transform tomorrow to help us hunt." They happily jumped on me, causing my body to fall. Before my body hit the ground, two arms caught me. Recognizing the warmth, I smiled at Noctis. "Thank you."

He smiles and steadies me as the two dragons hop off of me. Once Noctis let go, Zin and Zen jumped on him. "Woah!" He yells out in surprise, landing on the hard ground. While Zin licked his cheeks, Zen played with Noctis' hair. A giggle escapes my lips as I watched the scene before me. "Alright, alright. That's enough, you two. You're not puppies," Noctis chuckled. Zin and Zen get off of Noctis and return to my side. I helped him back to his feet and straightened his disheveled hair.

"You know you love them," I smirk. Noctis grins back at me and pecks me on the cheek. "I do, but not as much as I love you, (Y/n)." I scoff and his words, lightly smacking him on the chest. "Don't say that ever again. My heart can't handle cheesy romance lines." Noctis' grin grew even wider. "I know you love cheesy romance." I place my hands on his chest and lightly push him away with a roll of my eyes.

Camp was all setup and I sat in one of the chairs around the warm fire. Zin was an ice dragon and she preferred to sit away from the fire. Zen, on the other hand, was a fire dragon and he hopped onto my lap as if he was a puppy. "You're a bigger cuddler than your sister," I sigh and stroke his red scales. He growled in pleasure and snuggled closer to me. I looked over my shoulder to see Zin was with Ignis. She was always fascinated with the way he cooked.

Hearing the snap of a camera, I turned to see Prompto aiming his device at me. "That one's a keeper," he said with a smile. The others sat down around the fire and Zin laid behind my chair. Before long, Zen had fallen asleep in my lap. "(Y/n), the dragon whisperer," Gladio teases with a smirk. I roll my eyes with a faint smile at his nickname for me.

"How did you end up with these two?" Prompto asked.

"I haven't told you?" I puzzled. The four of them shook their heads.

"Well then, I guess it's story time," I said. The others sat back in their chairs and listened intently to every detail.

"A few years ago, I was traveling the Duscae region and saw a dragon who was severely injured. When I approached her, she didn't growl or try to hurt me in any way. Lifting her broken wing, I spotted two eggs. Before I could heal her wounds, she passed away. I took the eggs and, a few months later, they hatched. The moment they hatched, both Zin and Zen imprinted on me. They now believe I am their mother."

"A fascinating story indeed, (Y/n)," Ignis said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Does this mean you and Noct already have kids?" Prompto asked innocently. My eyes darted to Noctis and saw he was staring at me with slightly red cheeks. I laugh and smile at the blonde. "Yeah, I guess we do. They're a handful." My eyes were glued to Noctis and I watched him hide his face in his hands.

Ignis got out of his chair and went to finish dinner. Zin had woken up and she returned to watching the advisor cut up a few vegetables. I shook my head with a smile and Zen squirmed in his sleep. He flipped on his back and spreader his legs upwards. I snort from laughter and tickle his stomach. Zen cries out in joy, squirming under my hands.

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