94) Noctis

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A/n: Request from iiQueenBii. This is the first one shot where you are Noctis' older sister. There is no romance, just sibling love. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

"I'm finally home." As the view of the palace became clearer, a smile formed on my face. I pulled up to the front of the palace on my motorcycle. Once my father saw me, he hurried over. I met him halfway and hugged him. "(Y/n), I'm so glad you're back," he whispered as he tightened his arms around me.

"I could never leave you or Noct," I said. Father broke the hug and smiled at me. "Noctis will be glad to hear you are home."

"I wish to surprise him. Don't let a word about my arrival get to him. He'll probably fall out of his chair at dinner."

"He isn't here right now. Noctis will be back in a couple of hours. I will inform everyone to keep your arrival a secret from him. Just don't scare him too much." I laughed and kissed Father on the cheek.

"Do not hesitate to call for me. I'd be glad to help you with anything." Father thanked me and I headed to my old room. When I arrived, I looked in the mirror. Countless of scars were across my face and arms. Some of them were more prominent than others. "At least the war is over." I clean myself up and go into my closet. A dress my mother once wore caught my eye.

"Mother always had a keen eye when it came to picking out dresses

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"Mother always had a keen eye when it came to picking out dresses." The beautiful dress easily slipped on. I spun around and watched it flutter around my form. A soft knock came from my door. A maid informed me dinner would be in a couple of hours. I took that time and went through all my pictures. Many of them were pictures Noctis had sent me. He told me Prompto was the one to take most of them.

"Prom's an amazing photographer," I commented as I glanced at a picture of all four of them. I could tell they were in Galdin Quay because of the beautiful water behind them.

The two hours passed quickly. I waited for everyone to enter the dining room before I did. My eyes caught Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto enter at the last minute. A small smirk crept onto my face as they closed the door behind them. I leaned against the door and waited for Father to begin his small speech before dinner. Once he did, I snuck into the dining room and hid behind Noctis' chair. The only one who noticed me was Father. He smiled and gave me a nod along with a smile. Before I did anything, I noticed Noctis was staring at where I would usually sit. A warm feeling surged through my body as memories of us eating together resurfaced.

"Memory lane can wait," I whispered to myself. I leaned over his chair and whispered in his ear. "You know, you should really eat your vegetables." Noctis flew out of his chair and turned around. His eyes widened as his blue ones met my (e/c) ones. "(Y/n)..." he mumbles my name. I place my hands on my hips and smile.

Noctis stood up and walked over to me in a hurry. He stops right in front of me. "Wow, you've gotten... much taller," Noctis said as he compared himself to me. I nudge him gently with my hand. "Like I said-- eat your vegetables. Then we'll talk about height." Noctis laughed and I couldn't hold myself back. I hugged my little brother close. Noctis was surprised, but he hugged me back.

"(Y/n)!" Prompto shouted. Him along with Gladio and Ignis stood from their seats. Prompto came bounding over and joined in the hug. I broke the hug and smiled at Gladio and Ignis. Both of them couldn't hold their joyful expressions any longer. "It has been two long years, (Y/n)," Ignis said.

"It has been a very long two years. I'm glad the war is over. It's nice being back home with my family and friends."

"It seems you've claimed some battle scars along the way," Gladio said as he gestured to my face. "Quite a few. Each one means I survived. That's all I could ask for." Gladio smiled at my words. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm. Noctis was tracing a scar that ran down my arm and ended at my wrist. "What's this one from?" He asked.

I told everyone stories about a few of my scars. They all were sitting on the edges of their seats as they listened intently. I hadn't noticed an hour had gone by until I heard a clock chime in the distance. We sat down and ate our food, even though it was a little cold because of my rambling.

After a delicious dinner, Noctis and I head to the gardens to catch up. He told me about his approaching marriage to Lunafreya. "I'm happy for you, Noct. Luna would make you very happy. Also, I saw how you clung to her when we were kids," I tease. A small blush rises to his cheeks. I began to laugh and Noctis hid his face. I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. His eyes darted to mine.

"Don't worry. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be there." Noctis smiled warmly at me.

"I can always count on you, sis. Thank you."

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