28) Ignis

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A/n: A request from KatyStaysHere. I hope you enjoy it, Katy! I'll make sure it has a happy ending with you and Iggy. I'm sorry if the ending makes you cry😢 I was crying when I typed up the ending.
~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Is there nothing with a good amount?" I look at all the hunting requests and see none that offer enough Gil for the five of us. I sigh and rest my hands on my hips. A gentle hand laid on my head and I knew whose it was. Ignis pulled my head to his shoulder and let me lean against him. "We'll find something," he reassured. I nodded and he kissed the top of my head. The door flung open to reveal a panting Prompto. "(Y/n), Iggy! I've found one~!" He chirps. Prompto hands me the piece of paper and Ignis reads it over my shoulder.

"A behemoth? Isn't this a little too dangerous?" I ask the blonde. "I agree with (Y/n). This is too much for us to handle," Ignis said. "But look at the amount!" Prompto points to the bottom of the paper. I couldn't believe it. Someone is willing to pay 1,000,000,000 Gil just for a behemoth? This doesn't feel right. "Prom, we can't." I give him the piece of paper and he frowns. "But Gladdy and Noct were both on board with this request," he informed us. Ignis and I sigh in unison. "Where are they?" I ask. "In the car."

Ignis and I look out the window and see both of them sitting in the car patiently

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Ignis and I look out the window and see both of them sitting in the car patiently. "If we are to do this, I wish for (Y/n) to stay behind," Ignis requests. "What?" I ask in shock. "It's too dangerous. I wouldn't be able to stand it if you got hurt." I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. "Iggy, (Y/n)'s part of us too! If she comes with us, the job will be ten times easier," Prompto states. "Ignis, if you're going, I'm going as well." I wrap a hand around his. We stare into each other's eyes and neither of us waver. "Alright. I know when I'm defeated." I smiled and Prompto jumped in joy. We got into the Regalia and Ignis drove to the location mentioned in the request.

We arrive and get out of the Regalia. Ignis looks around with me while Gladio, Prompto, and Noctis ready their weapons. I give Ignis a worried glance. He grabs my hands and entwines our fingers. "I don't like this either," he whispers for only me to hear. I swallow hard as we begin our search for the monster. A loud roar drew us to a nearby lake and we found our target. Ignis readied for the battle and I summoned my sword. "Let's get this over with," Noctis murmurs. Our fight with the behemoth began, but we didn't know the horrible outcome that was awaiting us.

Gladio lifted me into the air and I landed on the behemoth's back. I slashed and used powerful spells to weaken the beast. I jumped off its back and landed on my feet. My eyes landed on Prompto as I noticed he was having trouble keeping the behemoth away from him. "Prompto, look out!" I shout. I aim my sword and throw it. The blade buried itself in the ground next to Prompto. I warp to my sword and push him out of the way. I tried to move but was too late. The behemoth slashes at me. Pain rushes through my entire body as my body flies back. My back hits the hard ground and I gasp for air. I try to move, but can't feel my body. Deep slash marks covered the front of my body along with my blood. A pool was forming around me quickly. "(Y/n)!" I could hear Prompto's voice, but I couldn't see him. "Oh, no... No no no no!" I could feel his hands on my face and my arms. His voice sounded desperate and I could tell he was blaming himself. I wanted to tell him not to blame himself, but my world was consumed by darkness.

~3rd Person POV (with Prompto)~

Prompto couldn't believe it. (Y/n)'s mangled and bloodied body laid in front of him, motionless. Her eyes were open but were lifeless. He noticed she wasn't breathing anymore and had no pulse.
"(Y/n)... No..." He ran a hand through her (h/c) hair with tears in his eyes. "Prompto, what happened?" Ignis heard the blonde's shouts and ran over as quick as he could. Prompto looked over his shoulder with tears cascading down his cheeks. Ignis' eyes grew wide and he dropped his weapons. He looked over Prompto and saw (Y/n). He crashed to his knees next to her and cradled her dead body in his arms. "Iggy, I'm so sorry. It's my fault," Prompto cried. Noctis and Gladio were keeping the behemoth at bay as Prompto and Ignis tended to (Y/n).

Ignis couldn't say a word to Prompto. He was in too much shock to even murmur a single word. "Guys, get out of there!" Noctis shouts. Prompto tried to move Ignis but he refuses. "Go..." He ordered the blonde. "We're not leaving you!" He shouts. "And I'm not leaving (Y/n)!" Ignis yells back. The behemoth was getting closer to them. Ignis pushed Prompto away as the behemoth closed in. "Ignis!" Noctis shouts. He kisses (Y/n) on the cheek and whispers in her ear. "I'll be with you soon..."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful and bright field around me. The sun shone down and a crisp wind blew through my hair. I breathed in the fresh air and sighed in peace. I stuck my arms out and fell into the beautiful green grass. "So... This is what death looks like. It's peaceful, beautiful, and relaxing. But it's also... Lonely." I play the scene of my death over and over again in my mind. I reach towards the sky and smile. "I don't regret anything. I'm glad I was able to save Prompto. I just wish I had more time with Ignis..." Tears streamed down my cheeks as I remembered all the things we did together.

I closed my eyes and cried harder. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me and I gasped. "I'd never leave you, (Y/n)." I turn my neck and see the love of my life. "I-Ignis..." I mutter his name. He smiles and kisses me gently. "How are you here?" I ask, shock filling my voice. "The behemoth was going to attack Prompto and myself. I pushed him away and took the blow. They all tried to help us, but didn't make it in time. I'm sorry, (Y/n)." I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. He stroked my hair with gentle and warm hands. "Don't be, Ignis. I'm happy that I don't have to be alone here. I just hope the others will be alright."

He wiped my tears and pulled me closer. The cool breeze comforted us and we watched the clouds pass by. Ignis adjusted our position so I now was laying on his chest. He laid his back in the grass and we continued to watch the clouds. Ignis entwined our fingers and kissed my hand. "Let's just hope they don't join us too soon," he comments. I nod in agreement and peck him on the cheek. "Our time is up, but we still have each other in the end. I'm positive Etro has big plans for them and we won't see them for a long time. Let's watch over them together and make sure they accomplish their dreams."

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