147) Ignis

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A/n: Another request from laura4864obrian. This is a Blind!Ignis x Blind!Daughter!Reader. Love you all!!!
~3rd Person POV~

Ignis woke up to the smell of breakfast wafting into his room. The delicious smell made his stomach rumble with a low growl. Carefully feeling his surroundings, Ignis got to his feet and changed. Once he was completely done, the door to his room opened.

"Ah! You're awake!"

The cheerful voice of (Y/n), his twelve-year-old daughter, cut through his thoughts. Ignis turned and smiled at his lovely daughter. Even though she was cursed with blindness just like him, she didn't let it hold her back. (Y/n) cooked, cleaned, and went to the store without a problem.

While he's out helping Noctis, she would come and visit every now and then. All his companions enjoyed her company, but not as much as he did.

"I've made breakfast and it's your favorite," she sang happily. His smile grew even wider. "Thank you, darling."

"Make sure you eat enough before heading out. Noctis called and told me you weren't eating properly while on the job," she scolded.

"Do not fret, (Y/n). I will take precaution."

"Uh-huh, sure. I've packed you a lunch as well," she said with a hint of laughter. Ignis felt guilty for making his daughter worry. He took small steps towards her and felt around until his hands had found her cheeks. He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "I promise not to cause perturbation."

(Y/n) smiles and kisses her father on the cheek. "Just take care of yourself. That's all I ask, Father." Ignis pats her on the head and both head into the kitchen to eat breakfast. When Ignis took the first bite, he complimented his daughter's cooking skills. She giggles and thanks her father.

Before heading out, Ignis helped (Y/n) with the dishes. They had a little trouble putting the dishes back but were able to in the end. Ignis left the kitchen to put his shoes on. Once he was all ready, he turned in the direction he heard (Y/n) was in.

"I shall be home late tonight. Please, do not wait to start dinner."

(Y/n) laughs a little at her father's words. "Father, you should know by now that I will wait for you to come home. It would be lonely to eat by myself." A loving smile graced Ignis' lips. He understood his daughter's feelings and felt a little sad. She worked hard every night to create a delicious meal. Sometimes, he couldn't even taste them because of his duties.

"Shall I do the shopping before returning?" He asked.

"No, don't worry about it. I'll handle it. I already have a list made up for my trip to the store."

"Do be cautious, (Y/n). It would shatter me if I learned of you being hurt."

"Stop worrying so much. You're gonna be late if you keep stalling," she laughed. Ignis nods and departs with a small "farewell".


The door opened while (Y/n) was sitting the plates out. Ignis walked in with his other three companions.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Prompto cheerfully greets.

"I'm glad you could join us for dinner," she said with a smile.

"(Y/n), you invited them?" Her father asked.

"Of course! I thought it would be nice to eat together. After all, you've seemed stressed for the past week."

"Yeah, (Y/n) contacted us while you were with His Majesty," Gladio said.

"We all agreed and now... here we are," Noctis spoke. Ignis was a little surprised, but he felt the kindness behind his daughter's motives. A smile formed on his lips as he freed himself from his work shoes. They all offered to help (Y/n), but she banned them from the kitchen. She even banned her own father from the stove. The four of them talked in the living room while (Y/n) prepared dinner.

"Aw, man! You're making my stomach suffer, (Y/n)!" Prompto whines. She giggles as she cautiously prepares five plates. Her blind state made it difficult, but she carefully and skillfully fills each plate. "Alright, dinner's ready," she calls out. They all get to their feet and head over to the table to enjoy dinner.

As the five of them ate with smiles, Noctis suddenly became serious. "Ignis, why don't you and (Y/n) move into the palace?" The advisor sat his utensils down gently and closed his eyes. "A benevolent offer, but we are fine on our own."

"But, what about--"

Gladio elbowed Prompto in the gut. (Y/n) picked up on what Prompto was going to say and answered in a kind voice. "Our blindness is a hinder, but we both get around with ease. We perform everyday tasks like people who do not suffer from such a thing. I appreciate the concern, but I would like to stay at home with my father. Moving into the palace would cut our alone time dramatically."

Noctis was guilty for asking such a question. Ignis sensed this and looked in the prince's direction. "Do not feel guilty, Noct. Also, I would not appreciate the palace etiquette."

"I'll say. Talking prim and proper all day long would be boring and tiring," (Y/n) giggles. Noctis laughs and takes another bite. "I completely agree with you."

"It's not that bad," Prompto said.

"No, it is," Gladio states.

"Yeah... you're right," Prompto murmurs.

"Also, I would not appreciate sharing my daughter's cooking with prying eyes. Her talent in the kitchen would draw the attention of myriads of servants."

"I guess we're an exception," Noctis chuckled.

"I'll only share my cooking with you three. Of course, Father always gets to have my cooking. We even make dishes together when we have time."

"Man, I'm kinda jealous, Iggy," Prompto said. Ignis smiles and glances towards his daughter. "I am blessed to have a daughter who is kind and skillful."

"And I'm privileged to have such a hard working and marvelous father. No one in all of Eos could replace him."

(Y/n)'s words shook Ignis to the core. If he were to say a word, tears of joy would slip from his eyes. The smile in his heart and mind from her words would never be washed away.

"Now I'm really jealous!" Prompto shouts.

"How about we wash that jealousy away with some chocolate cake?" (Y/n) asked. Prompto smiled and licked his lips.

"Yes, please!"

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