174) Noctis

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A/n: A request from megsum178. I'm sorry if this strays from your request a little! Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

Messing around with the books in Noctis' study kept me occupied while he finished his duties for the day. It was currently around five o'clock when the prince let out a huge sigh and rested his head on the desk. Placing the book I had pulled off the shelf back, I went over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. Gently rubbing them, I could feel all the tension in his stiff muscles.

"Wow, you're tense," I said, continuing to massage his shoulders. He closed his eyes slowly and let out another deep sigh. "You have no idea..." He mumbles. After a few minutes of massaging him, a few light snores erupted from the prince. "Oh, someone fell asleep easily... as usual," I snicker under my breath.

The stack of papers he had completed caught my eye. Then, I looked over to the pile of papers he still had left to do. "Geez..." I murmur. It was much smaller than earlier, but plenty of papers still remain. "No wonder why he's been so stressed lately. All this paperwork just keeps piling up."

An idea popped into my mind and I left the study to find Ignis. Once I had found him, he was chatting with Gladio. I hastily walk over to the royal advisor, waiting patiently for him to end his conversation with Gladio. The two then looked at me with questioning gazes. Placing my hands together, I stare directly into Ignis' emerald eyes.

"If I may, would it be alright if I freed Noctis of his royal duties for a couple of days?"

When Ignis only gazed at me in silence, I began to tense up. Hearing Gladio chuckle, I directed my attention to him. "I don't see why not. He's been more mopey these days because of his duties. A break will do him good."

"I agree. Do keep him in line though, (Y/n)," Ignis said. I release my tension with a smile and thank the both of them. Running back to the study, I saw Noctis was still asleep. I huff from laughter and walk over to his sleeping form.

"Noct, this is not a good place to sleep. You should head to your room," I said, pulling on a strand of his raven hair gently. Not even a sound left him as I tried to wake him. I pinched his nose next, but he didn't even flinch. Placing my hands on my hips, I try to think of another idea to try and wake the sleeping prince.

The only other idea I had would be too cruel, so I decided to give up. "Alright, sleepyhead. If you catch a cold, we won't be able to go on a date. I had so much planned, too," I pout. Before I left, I gave Noctis a kiss on the cheek. When I was about to step away from him, one of his arms shot out and grabbed my wrist. Gasping in shock, I look down to see his eyes were still shut, but a grin carved its way onto his face.

"A date, huh?" He asked, eyes finally opening.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Since you got back. Never knew you were the type of girl to suffocate me in my sleep."

"I did NOT try to suffocate you in your sleep! It was a small pinch on the nose."

"Yeah, yeah. Oh, and you missed."

Confused, I tilted my head a little. "Missed?" Noctis nods and quickly stands up. He pulls me close and smashes his lips onto mine. My body instantly heated up from the sudden passionate kiss. Though it was short, the kiss was enough to send me on-edge and take my breath away.

"So, when's our date?" Noctis asked after the kiss with a playful smirk. I took a deep breath to get my thoughts back on-track. "Our date starts tomorrow morning. It'll be two days and we'll be leaving the city, so... you better be packed and ready before eight. Got it?"

Noctis groans at the time. "Why so early?"

"Because where we're going, it will take a couple of hours to get there. I know you'll love it because there's a fishing spot nearby," I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Then... you're coming to my room," he declares and drags me to his room. "H-hey, I have my own room!" I holler in protest. "This way, you can wake me up on time. I don't wanna miss this trip with you," he said, sending a warm smile my way. We enter his room and welcome the warm sheet that cradled us to sleep.

-Next Morning-

Having a little trouble waking Noctis, I decided to jump on him. "What the hell, (Y/n)?!" He shouts in disbelief. "Yay! Now you're up! Hurry up and pack!" I cheer, hitting him with a pillow. Watching him sluggishly drag his body out of the bed made me roll my eyes. Noctis eventually packed all his things and we were off.

Leaving the Citadel behind, we hop in my car and I drive us to Galdin Quay. We reached the parking lot around ten and decided to walk along the beach first. While treading through the soft white sand, Noctis glanced at me with questioning eyes. "We're not camping... are we?"

"No, silly. I've already booked us a room for two nights. The only time you like camping is when you're exhausted."

"Thank the Six," he sighs in relief. We continued our little stroll until the fishing dock came into view. Noctis gasped and immediately latched onto my arm. He dragged me to the dock and bought a few lines and a handful of different lures. Seeing him act like a little kid brought a smile to my face. We walked to the end of the dock and Noctis immediately readied his rod.

As the prince fished, I messed with a Galdin Trevally that was swimming near the dock. Sticking my hand in the lukewarm water, I chased the fish around with my finger. Feeling eyes on me, I turn to see Noctis was watching me with a smile. My eyes traveled to his breathtaking blue ones, but I quickly averted my gaze and saw the rod was bending.

"Um, Noct, you have a bite," I said, pointing to his fishing rod. He snaps his attention back to see a fish was trying to free itself from his lure. He reacted immediately and began reeling in the fish. "Ah, damn!" He shouts, having some difficulties trying to pull the fish closer. "Must be a big one," I comment, pulling my hand out of the water. Noctis gave one last tug before the line snapped. He grumbles incoherently and dismissed his rod.

"We'll have time for more fishing later. For now, let's go get something to eat." Just as I had said that, his stomach lets out a loud growl. Giggling, I grab the blushing Prince's hand and drag him to the Mother of Pearl. Luckily, we didn't need reservations and were able to order quickly. While enjoying our delicious meal, Noctis and I chatted away. We'd always end up changing the subject and starting a whole new conversation every few minutes.

Once we finished, Noctis let out a huge yawn. I scoff lightly and peer into his drowsy blue eyes. "Wanna call it a day?" I ask. Noctis was about to say something, but he was interrupted by another yawn, which confirmed my answer. "But it's only five," he defends.

"Noct, I know you're still worn out from all the paperwork and other duties you have to attend to. We have all of tomorrow, too. Let's head to our room."

Noctis follows me closely, making sure to not lose sight of me. We reach our room and I gladly tell the receptionist my name. "Ah, (Y/n)! We just finished putting down fresh sheets! Please, enjoy your stay!" The receptionist let us in the room and closes the door softly behind him before he left. Noctis releases a heavy sigh as he plops down on the bed.

I smiled at the prince and walked over to the window to admire the beautiful ocean. Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind and tossed on the bed with ease. I let out a yelp of surprise as my body collided with the soft mattress. Before I could get up, Noctis had pinned me down to the white sheets.

"Geez, Noct! I thought my heart would stop!" I shout up at him. He chuckles and leans his forehead against mine. "I'd never let your heart stop beating. I'd do anything to get it starting again."

"Sweet words, but what if I were stabbed through the heart?"

"You ruined the moment, (Y/n)," Noctis grumbles with a small pout. I giggle and kiss him on the lips. "I know you'd do anything for me, Noct," I whisper. His cute pout turns into a brilliant smile. Connecting our lips, we fell into the clutches of ecstasy.

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