30) Noctis (Part II)

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A/n: Continuation of the dragon shifter story.
~(Y/n)'s POV~

We headed back to the Crow's Nest and I asked the waiter if he had any hunting request. "When did the diner start taking requests?" Prompto asked. "A few months back. The monsters and daemons around Hammerhead have been growing stronger and more deadly. The diner took it upon themselves to start a request board for the locals so they could find hunters to take care of the threat," I reply. "There's not many left," Gladio pointed out. "That's because (Y/n)'s been doing them all herself," the waiter spoke up. "Really?" Noctis asked in disbelief. "Yeah. That's where all the Gil I have came from. Most of the requests deal with Behemoths and Sabertusks. They aren't that difficult to kill."

"I see. You've been helping the people of Hammerhead. That's why they hold you in high regards," Ignis said. I nodded and the waiter handed me a piece of paper. I sighed as I read the hunting request. Two Behemoths and an Iron Giant are roaming around the outskirts of Hammerhead. "We'll help in anyway we can," Noctis said and put a warm hand on my shoulder. I smile and nod at the prince. "Thank you, Noctis. I'm going to need your help more than you know." He smiles back and nods. "Let's go. I'm itching for some action," Gladio said and cracked his knuckles. We all get in the Regalia and Ignis turns the key. The car doesn't start and he sighs.

"Don't tell me..." Prompto groans. "The car won't start," Ignis replied. Everyone except for me groaned and sighed in annoyance. "We' won't be able to take down the Behemoths and Iron Giant at this rate," Noctis said. I grinned and couldn't help but laugh. I hopped out of the car and put my hands on my hips. "Whelp, I guess we'll be flying." They all looked at me with confused expressions and I rolled my eyes. "Guys, you're friends with a dragon," I said matter-of-factly. They all made an 'o' with their mouths and hopped out of the Regalia. "Will we all fit on your back?" Prompto asked. "Of course!" I transform and let them climb on my back.

I took off high in the sky and headed to our destination. "This is so cool~!" Prompto shouts.
"(Y/n), down there," Noctis said. I look to where he was pointing and saw our targets were creeping closer into Hammerhead. "They're getting closer to the town. We need to stop them at all cost," Ignis stated. I fly lower and drop the four men off. "Be careful." Noctis placed a gentle hand on my muzzle and I nodded. I took to the sky again and began attacking the two Behemoths while the others attacked the Iron Giant. It wasn't difficult to kill the first one but the second was proving to be more of a challenge. I mentally sigh and strike the Behemoth with lightning. It growled loudly and charged.

It swipes its large claws in the air and I dodge easily. I shoot ice and it pierces the monster's chest. It groans in pain and falls to the ground with a loud thud. I grin at my victory and head over to the others. They were having a hard time getting close to the Iron Giant because of its sword. I fly above it and swoop down on its back. The thing fell to the ground and the others began attacking it relentlessly. The Iron Giant pushed me off of its back and swung its sword in Noctis' direction. I quickly flew over to him and picked up the prince in my claw. "Thanks, (Y/n). I owe you one," he said and smiled at me. 'If only I could talk to you in this form' I thought.

"I have an idea and I'm going to need your help," Noctis said. His words peeked my interest and I growled lowly to signal him I'll help. "I need you to fly above it again and I'll drop into its back. I'll create an opening in its back and I want you to attack with ice at the opening. Ready?" I nodded and flew above the Giant. Noctis jumped from my claw and landed on the Giant's back. He began ripping a hole in its back with ease. "(Y/n), now!" He shouts. I shoot ice at the opening and it enters the Iron Giant's back. The ice sinks into the hole and I take that advantage to manipulate the ice once more. Pillars of ice shoot out of the Giant's body from every angle. The pillars shatter and the Iron Giant in no longer a threat.

"Alright!" Prompto yells happily. I land and transform back into my human form. I crash to my knees and sigh. "I used way too much mana..." I groan. Noctis crashes next to me and chuckles. "Need a hand?" He asked. The prince extended his hand out for me to grab and I didn't hesitate. Our hands locked together like puzzle pieces and I couldn't hide the goofy smile that tugged at my lips. "Thanks for the help, Noctis." He smiles and squeezes my hand gently. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek. His cheeks flares up and I couldn't help but laugh at the flustered prince. I was about to let go of his hand but Noctis did the unexpected. He wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me close. He smashed his lips onto mine and I immediately kissed back.

"Totally called it!" We heard Prompto shout. Noctis broke the passionate kiss and looked at the blonde with a confused expression. Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto were grinning at us. I began blushing and Noctis sighed. "You guys..." He growled. "What? We all made a bet to see how long it would take you two to get together," Gladio said. Noctis rolled his eyes and sighed again. "And I won," Prompto announced. "It seems so," Ignis stated. I leaned my face into Noctis' chest to hide my red cheeks. Noctis chuckled deeply and ran a hand through my (h/c) hair. "Damn..." He muttered. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I was hoping we wouldn't be interrupted."

I laughed and kissed his nose. "We'll have time later all to ourselves with no interruptions. You'll just have to wait. Let's head back to the Crow's Nest. I'm sure people with be happy to hear the news." Noctis nodded and smiled. I took his hand and we began our trek back to the Crow's Nest.

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