144) Noctis

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A/n: A request from Rwby1576az. This will take place during Assassin's Festival. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

The excitement in Noctis' eyes burned more brightly than the sun. He jumped to his feet while the Regalia traveled to Lestallum. The posters grew in numbers as we approached the city. Both him and Prompto couldn't sit in their seats because of how happy they were.

"I'm so hyped. I can't believe it's finally here!" Noctis shouts.

"May I remind you there's an Imperial bounty on your head? Keep it in check." Ignis glanced at Noctis in the rearview mirror. Noctis rolls his eyes at the advisor's words. "Fine."

"C'mon, let him have some fun. It ain't easy being a wanted man," Gladio said, coming to Noctis' defense. As I listen to more cheers from Noctis and Prompto, I rub the sides of my forehead with my fingers.

"I swear, the two of you are like kids in a candy shop," I groan.

"Hey, you can't say you're not loving this," Noctis said with a smirk. I close my eyes and try to keep my feelings in check. "Noct, you dragged me to your apartment after school just to play Assassin's Creed. You even forced the controller into my hands!"

"Just one of the hundreds of perks that come with being Noct's girlfriend, (Y/n)," Gladio said with a small laugh. I sigh in annoyance as we finally reach Lestallum. We get out of the Regalia and explore the festival.

"Oh, Cindy and Holly are here," I announce. We head over and greet them. Holly told us a little about the festival and they were giving out robes. "Dude, can we get some?" Prompto asked. "Yeah! Can we?" Noctis begs next to the blonde. Holly and Cindy laugh as they hand the four of them assassin robes. Holly then locks eyes with me. "I've got a special one for you, my dear."


Holly and Cindy grab and drag me. The guys all were confused as well. They watched as I was dragged into a nearby apartment building. Holly handed me robes and grinned. "Put these on. I know you'll look great!"

"Alright, I'll put them on," I said, giving in to Holly's kind words. Cindy giggled as I entered the bathroom to change. I had a little difficulty with the robes but was able to put them on nonetheless. I walk out of the bathroom, Holly and Cindy watching my every movement.

 I walk out of the bathroom, Holly and Cindy watching my every movement

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(A/n: I'll be stealing *cough* borrowing one of Evie's robes)

"Wow, you look amazin', Darlin'!" Cindy cries out. "The prince is gonna love this surprise," Holly cheers. We headed back to where we left the guys who were now in their robes. Prompto and Noctis, of course, were bouncing around as usual.

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