75) Ignis

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A/n: Request from Artistc23Psycho. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Ugh... I don't feel so good..." I grumble as I open my eyes. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My vision clears and my eyes met with green ones. I was so confused at why Ignis and I were in the same bed, holding each other.

"Um... What happened last night?" I asked him. "My head is groggy. I am not sure what happened last night as well," he replied. I escape his arms and walk into the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face and stare into my reflection. 'What happened last night?' I kept asking in my head, over and over again. After a few minutes of pondering, the gears in my mind finally started spinning.


-Previous Night-

Ignis drove us to a village named Cynothia. We got out of the Regalia and saw the people drinking and laughing loudly. I covered my ears because I hated loud noises. Ignis came over and covered my hands that were over my ears. "We will not be here for long, I promise." I nodded at his words.

Suddenly a man from the village approached me. I could smell alcohol in his breath before he even could breathe. "Welcome to Cynothia~!" He shouts loudly. I flinch at his voice and Ignis notices my discomfort. He takes me away from the loud man to find a quieter place. We saw Gladio, Noctis, and Prompto being dragged into crowd. The villagers were handing them drink after drink.

Just watching them made me sick. I was never good at drinking any type of alcohol. We left them to party while the two of us went to find nonalcoholic drinks. We found a small stall that had bottles of water. Ignis asked for two and handed one to me. I took a sip and my throat began to burn. I spat whatever that was out.

"Are you alright?" Ignis asked out of concern. "Y-Yeah. That's not water," I informed him. He took of sip out of his bottle. "Indeed, it's not water. It's actually vodka." I sighed and tossed the bottle into the garbage. "Who puts vodka in a water bottle?" I ponder. Ignis chuckles and throws his away as well.

We walked through the village and the smell of alcohol was everywhere. I pinched my nose to cancel out the odor. A woman about my age approached Ignis. I could tell she was drunk. She tried to lean against him, but I grabbed his hand and teleported us away from her. "Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Don't thank me yet. I seriously doubt she'll be the last one." Ignis pushed his glasses up his nose and smiled. "Hey~ There you are~!" Prompto waved drunkenly at us. He couldn't even walk straight. I sigh as he approached us while he hiccups. With a shock from my lightning magic, he shouted in pain. "What was that for?!" He shouts. "It seems she has made you sober," Ignis stated.

"Oh, hey, she did!" Prompto cheered. "Where's Noct and Gladio?" I ask with crossed arms. Prompto began to smirk ear to ear. I roll my eyes at his expression. I stormed away form them to find the other two. When I did, they were even more drunk than Prompto. I used water magic and splashed it on them. "What the hell?!" Noctis shouts.

Gladio shakes his head to dry his hair. Before I could reach them, I was surrounded by a group of men. One of them handed me a glass that had a clear liquid in it. "It's okay. We found some water for you and your boyfriend," the man said with a smile.

I was thirsty and drank it in one gulp. I glared at the man when I tasted the familiar taste. "That isn't water!" I shout. "What? But I checked!" The man shouts. "Oh, sorry. I guess I mixed up the glasses," another man said. My world started spinning and I crashed to the ground. "(Y/n)," I heard Ignis voice call my name.

He helped me off the ground and steadied me. I couldn't stand on my own feet so Ignis supported my body against his. "What did you give her?" Ignis asked the man, trying to keep himself calm. "I thought I gave her water, but this bastard accidentally switched the glass with one filled with vodka." The man pointed over his shoulder at his friend. I passed out in Ignis' arms a few seconds later.

When I came to, I felt drunk. My eyes scanned around me and I searched for Ignis. I sat up and found myself in the backseat of the Regalia. I hopped out of the car, but tripped over my own feet. Prompto came into view and helped me up. His face was flushed from all the alcohol he's drunk. He took me to the middle of the village and I saw Ignis.

Before I could say a word, Ignis came over and crashed his lips against mine. Even though I was drunk, I could tell Ignis was even more drunk than me. "Aw, they're so cute together~!" Prompto shrieked. After a long, passionate kiss, Ignis took me down what looked like an aisle of a wedding recital. My world was spinning and I couldn't keep track of anything. "You may kiss the bride!" A man standing near us shouts. Ignis stole my lips again and before long, I passed out again.

--End Flashback--

"You've got to be kidding me..." I slump against the sink in disbelief. Ignis came in to check on me and apologize about last night. "I hope you can forgive me, (Y/n)." I shook my head and stood up. "Don't apologize. How... How much do you remember?" I question him. His cheeks turned a slight red. That confirmed my suspicions.

"We got married last night, didn't we?" Ignis nods and I still couldn't believe it. I checked my fingers and saw a wedding ring on my left hand. "When did you get the ring?" I ask. Ignis looked away which spiked my curiosity. "Iggy?" I turn and face him. After a few more seconds of silence, he spoke up. "I was planning to propose to you once we returned to the Crown City."

My eyes widened in shock. "Iggy..." My voice trailed off. Without hesitating, I kissed him on the lips. Ignis wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body close to deepen the kiss. After running out of air, we pulled apart. "Is that a yes?" He asked with a grin. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "It's been a yes for a long time, Iggy." We exchanged another passionate kiss and got lost in our own world.

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