191) Ignis

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

Spending the night in The Myrlwood was unsettling and I ended up awaking right after Ignis. After sitting down for a few minutes and letting the rain soak my being, Noctis emerged from the tent. "Good mornin'~!" I chirp.

"Mornin', (Y/n). Where's-"

"(Y/n)! Noct!"

Noctis turned to the shouting Ignis while I jolted out of my chair to face him. The prince and I gazed worriedly at the tactician as he tried to even his breathing.

"What's wrong? Are you okay!?" Noctis questioned with a holler.

"Wait, where are your glasses?" I asked.

"Gone. I was making ready to leave camp when a black chocobo sidled up, snatched my specs from over my nose, and bolted!" Ignis explains frantically.

Noctis began to laugh hysterically and I elbowed him in the stomach. The prince immediately ceased laughing and cleared his throat. I smile at Ignis to reassure him. "We'll help you get your glasses back, Iggy."

He smiles at my words and shows us the way the chocobo went. "The fowl foul trotted off in that direction. Let's move." After a few minutes of silence, Ignis gazes at me with an apologetic expression. "Sorry to drag you along, (Y/n)."

"It's no trouble. Also, I know you would do the same if something valuable of mine was stolen, too." I smiled lovingly at him, which he returned with his own breathtaking smile.

"Gross..." Noctis murmurs. I slapped him on the arm, making him wince from the pain. "Anyways, you've a spare pair, don't you? Just use those."

"And let a perfectly good pair go to waste as a chocobo's trinket? I think not!" Ignis hisses.

"It's his favorite pair, too," I add with a giggle.

"Ah, gotcha. That's also why he's freaking out so much," Noctis whispers for only me to hear.

"In all the time we've been together, I've never seen him so worked up like this. Then again, this is the first time his glasses have been stolen."

"He never told you?" Noctis asked.

"Told me what?"

"The time when we were in Lestallum and you went out to restock our supplies."

"What happened?"

"Specs didn't let us get a word out before he began frantically searching for you. I've never seen him so worried or riled up before in my life."

"This... is the first time I'm hearing this."

"Just don't tell him I told you. He made me promise not to tell you."

I grin at the prince with a huff of laughter. "Of course he did."

Luckily, Ignis had tunnel vision and didn't hear our conversation. He was too focused on getting his glasses back and ignored our little chatter.

The rain started to pelt our skin harder as we headed further into the dense woods. We arrived at the royal tomb and I saw Ignis point towards a black figure within the downpour. "We have the culprit. There!"

I look towards the black chocobo before searching around. I spotted Ignis' glasses near a tree not far from the bird. Turning to the royal advisor, I told him of the location of his glasses.

Noctis glances between the chocobo and our target. "So what now, Sergeant No-Specs?"

"I brought along a secret weapon just in case: a handful of gysahl greens."

"Nice. So, how you wanna do this?" Noctis asked.

"We lure the bird this way. While it gorges itself on greens, you two will grab the glasses," Ignis answers.

With the gysahl greens in hand, the tactician made his way over to the prowling bird. I gazed at Noctis as Ignis got into position. "If one of us falls behind, don't wait. Whoever reaches the glasses first will claim them and run back."


With the rain striking us, we crouch to avoid making too much noise. Ignis coaxed the black chocobo into eating the greens to distract it from our sneaking forms. While closing in on the glasses, Noctis had stepped on a twing, making a loud snapping sound. He froze in his tracks when the bird jumped to face the prince. While the bird was concentrated on him, I was able to pass him and edge closer to the glasses.

"(Y/n), just grab 'em!" Noctis yells under his breath. Nodding, I grab the spectacles. I made a little sound, but it was enough to grab the chocobo's attention. It screeched loudly and charged at me.

"(Y/n)!" Ignis yells. Glasses in hand, I ran as the black bird took chase. I managed to find a hiding spot to stay until the chocobo got tired of searching for me. While in hiding, I examined Ignis' glasses to see if they were damaged. Luckily, they were intact and no scratches were on the lens. Curiosity took over my being and I slid the glasses on.


Hearing my name, I glance to my left to see the owner of the glasses. The chocobo must've left when I was too focused on the glasses. "H-how long have you been there, Iggy?"

"Long enough to witness you exhibit my spectacles."

When he tries to take the glasses off my face, I spun away from his reach with a grin. Ignis raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms at my childish behavior, but I was immune to his death glare. "Gotta catch me first if ya want 'em back, sweetheart!" I took off running towards the haven while laughing.

I didn't make it far before I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pin my arms at my side. My back hit a toned chest and felt a warm breath against my ear. Ignis let out a small chuckle as he took his glasses back. "Though you are already a temptress without my spectacles, I won't be able to suppress my desire for you any further if this persists."

Immediately, my cheeks began to ignite with a red hue. I tried to form a full sentence, but it was impossible in the state I was in. Ignis let out another chuckle before kissing my red cheek. With his glasses back in the rightful place, he released me from his hold and grinned victoriously. I was glued to the spot as I watched Ignis saunter back to the campsite. The cool rain did nothing to extinguish my burning cheeks.

Glaring playfully at him, I shouted at the top of my lungs. "You better be prepared for what I have in store!"

Ignis turns to face me with an intoxicating smirk. "I look forward to it, my dear."

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