139) Noctis

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A/n: Request from megsum178. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

While walking through the streets of Insomnia, Noctis held my hand tightly. We just finished dinner and were heading back to his apartment. We didn't make it far when we were stopped by a group of men. Noctis stood in front of me protectively as the leader of the group stepped up.

"What the hell do you want?" Noctis spat.

"Oh, nothing. We just heard the prince got a new girlfriend. Came to check out who the lucky girl was."

"Never knew it would've been Tenol's old girlfriend," another man said. I froze up at the sound of my ex-boyfriend's name. Noctis noticed and squeezed the hand he still held to comfort me.

"He's gonna love this!" One laughs.

"You know, Tenol wants ya back," the leader states.

"Tell him to go hit on another girl. I'm done with his controlling ass," I fire back.

"Oh, no... he wants you, (Y/n). He promised us and pretty gil if we were to bring you back," another one states.

Noctis took up a defensive position in front of me with a dagger in his free hand. The group of men surrounded us with ease. Noctis gritted his teeth in annoyance. I could tell he didn't want to result to fighting. Before I could tell him what I was thinking, one man tried to grab me. Noctis quickly pulled me close and held the dagger at the man's throat.

"Don't touch her," he growled in an abnormally low voice. All the men lunged at us all at once. Noctis warped us to safety not far from them. "Stop them!" The leader shouts. More men emerged from the alleyway behind us. Noctis handled them without a problem. While more men appeared, Noctis suddenly shouted in my direction. When I turned around, one man swung his fist in my direction. Before impact, Noctis had jumped in front of me. He took the blow to the head and fell to the ground. His dagger fell out of his hand as his head hit the hard ground with a crack.

My eyes widened as I saw that Noctis wasn't moving. "N-Noct?" I kneel next to his body. I went to touch him, but I pulled away at the last second. Blood began to pool under his head.

"Grab her," the leader said. I began to shake as I couldn't hold my powers at bay. With precision, I aimed at each man and sent an electrical spell through their bodies. All of them fell unconscious from the powerful magic.

I slumped forward as I helped Noctis. Tears fell from my eyes as I supported his body with mine. His blood dropped on me, but I didn't care one bit. I took him to a nearby hospital. It was closer than calling for help.

When I entered the hospital, I began shouting for help. Nurses ran to me and placed Noctis on a gurney. I couldn't move as I watched them take him back. With more tears, I sank to my knees on the cold floor.

I don't know how long I stayed like that. No one dared to try and move me from the spot I collapsed.

"(Y/n)?" The familiar voice made me jolt up. Prompto stood in the doorway of the entrance to the hospital. His eyes widened when I met my (e/c) ones with his blue irises. He ran to me and helped me to my feet. "The doctor called me," he informed.

"Did... did he say anything about Noct?" I asked in fear. Prompto looked away sadly.

"He's... he's in a coma."

"It's my fault..." I mumble as my knees give out from under me. Prompto gasped and supported my body before I could fall. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling my body into a hug. "No, no, no! Don't say that!"

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