Chapter 25 - A Demon In A Dress

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Okay so after being force into a room by an angel, I decided it might be best to just do what she said and check out the wardrobe. I walk over to the wadrobe pad thingy magigy and ask it to show me a black long sleeve shirt with an armoured shoulder bad and black jeans. Oh great. Guess what it said in response. "I'm sorry we dont do armour or black. Please choose another outfit option" a robotic voice echoes through the pad. I growl. I storm out. "Yeah no Hope I'm not having anything in that option" I said and she sulked a little. "Why not?" She asks and I stare at the buffet of food ahe had layed out. Okay then. "Theres no black and no armour" I said just as there was a knock on the door. Oh god I'm so over people already. I'm not social. Why are their people knocking on the door? I march over to the door and fling it open. "WHAT!" I yell and a , who looked about 19 stood there. "Well nice to meet you too. I heard Hope was here" He said. Before I could respond, Hope pushed passed me and slammed into the boy. "Castiel! I cant believe you're still here!" She squeals and I step away. So not getting involved. "Of course I'm still here. Someone had to run this place" he says and I roll my eyes as I sit on the couch. "Oh I was wondering if you and the half angel would like to come to the party this evening. Exclusive to our kind but since the boy is half angel, I made an exception" he says and Hope beams. "YES!" Hope screams and Nero cuts in and walks over to the two. "What about Kytara?" He asks and I kick my feet up on the couch and start getting the blood and dirt out of my nails with a knife. "Hope no offence her but the demon is hardly civil. I mean she has blood all over her and she doesnt seem to have manners" he says and I throw the knife, aiming for right next to his face. Direct hit. The knife buried itself in the doorframe, about 4 centremetres away from Castiels face. "Whoops. I missed" I said sarcastically as Castiel removed the knife from the wall. "See no manners" he says and Nero cuts in, "shes coming" he says and Hope sighs as if she too believes I cant behave in public. Wow thanks. "Please Cas. I'll make sure shes on her best behaviour and is wearing something appropriate" Hope begs and I raise an eyebrow. Since when do I not wear something appropriate. Me entire body is pretty much always covered in clothes. I'm over this conversation. I walk into my room and then into the bathroom, locking the door to both. I strip down as the bath tub fills up with bubbles and warm water. I slide into the bath and allow the water to drag me away from this angel infested nightmare.

I only decided it was time to get out of the bath when the water was so cold I felt my toes tingling. I pulled the plug out of the drain and wrapped myself in the white towel hanging on the rack. I noticed the water was red like the blood that once covered my body. It was weird. I saw my reflection in the mirror and realise im alot paler then I first thought. Whatever. I walk back into my bedroom, expecting to find my usually blood covered clothes on the bed. What the fuck. They were gone. Hope. "HOPE!" I yell and storm out od my room in just a towel. I walked out and Neros jaw dropped. Probably considering the towel went half way up my thigh. Hope offered me a small smile over her hot choclate. "Yes Kytara. Is something wrong?" She asks with a smile and I stomp my foot. "Where are my clothes!" I yell and she smiles. "Check the fireplace" she says and I turn to see my clothes burning. "WHAT THE HELL!" I yell as she takes another sip of her drink. "Your armour is all fine. Thats just hidden and all your weapons are hidden too." She says and I growl. "What am I supposed to wear then huh! Thats all the clothes I brought and own!" I yell and she smiles before holding up a purple flowy short of dress. "No fucking way. Not a chance" I growled and she smiled. "That or you can go to the ball in the towel" she says and I roll my eyes, "who said I was even going" I said and she smiled, "the fact that you'll never find your stuff if you dont" she says laying the dress back onto the couch. I turn around and storm back into my room. I get jeans and a blue shirt from the wardrobe and start looking around everywhere for Otaro.

Three hours and Hope and Nero had already left while I'm still searching this stupid room. There are only so many places someone can hide my stuff. Seriously. I glace at the dress lying on the couch. Its actually really pretty. I shake my head. No. I'm not going. I have to find my stuff.

Well this was weird. About 50 angels all stood in a massive ballroom. Dancing and drinking. I stood in the corner avoiding everyone. Big crowds arent my thing. Hope stood by me and she wouldn't stop smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I asked, "your plan failed. Kytara refused to come" I tell her and she giggles. "Oh she'll show up. One way or another. All her belongings are hidden well. She cant find them without angel magic so shell do as shes told" she says and almost on cue, the doors open and Kytara steps inside, a true vision of beauty. It was hard to believe that such a strong warrior like Kytara, would fit so perfectly in a dress. Her hair was still hoding her face and she still had a look of utter discust on her face but she was here and in a dress. "Wow. Guess demons really are hot. Must come from being around fire" an angel close to me said and I wanted to rip his eyes out. Kytara stood at the doors with everyone staring at her. I probably should have gone up to her and made her feel more welcome then like she was on display but I was having fun with Hope. And Hope did look beautiful in her pink dress. Before I could make the decision, Kytara walked to get a drink. I turned my focus back to home. "Told ya" she says with a smile on her face.

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