Chapter 5 - The Pack

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Great. Wolves. They used to team up with angels to wipe us out. My master told me I should expect to see many wolves on my travels but never thought so soon. Not a puppy lover. We walk through the dense forest. Low growls circled and I drew my sword. Nero was suddenly tackled I stuck to my mission. On instinct I tackled fur ball that had tackled Nero and remained in a crouch, the silver blade in my hand. The wolf whimpered and Nero jumped in between us. "KYTARA STOP!' He yelled and the wolf jumped on his back before taking the form of a small girl. Green eyes stared at me with fear as the girl clung to Nero and I sheathed my blade. "Mero why is a demom here?" The little girl asks, unable to pronounces N and uses M instead. She jumps off of Neros back and he turns to face her and kneels down to match her height. "Okay Sarah. Remember to focus on pronouncing the N okay so remember to out your tongue at the top of your mouth yeah?" He says and she nods. "M...Nero" she says and he nods and ruffles her hair. "Very good. Now dont forget that" he says "and the demons here because I have to do something and I need her help" he says and I roll my eyes. The angel was greeting all the little wolves who were slowly peering out of the forest and I just walked past them all. I heard a deep growl and drew a small blade by instinct as a big grey wolf prowled around a big rock. I could tell he was the Alpha by the Silver eyes with a green tint. "Father" Nero says and the wolf shifts into his human form. An older man with grey hair and hard featured stared at me before he looked to Nero, his details softening as he hugged the hybrid. "How are you my boy?" He asks Nero and before Nero could answer the angel runs over, almost tripping over branches as she runs to the alpha and grabs his hand before shaking it softly. "You have such a beautiful home sir. Its wonderful" she says and I scoff. "Theyre trees princess." I said and the Alpha looks at me. "You have a dull look on the world" he says and I smile, "actually its all painted in pretty pretty blood" I said and he turned his attention back to Nero. "Weve already heard of your mission. The angels sent word. Have a party with us before you go" the alpha says and I raise my eyebrows. They want to celebrate him leaving? Idiots. "Sure" Nero said and the angel squeeled, "am I invited?" She asked and the alpha was happy to invite her. Good for you angel. "Kytara" the alpha says and I look up at him, my expression blank, "you are welcome to" the alpha says and I smile at him, "thanks grandpa but I'll pass thanks" I said and he smiled, "I'm sure you'll change your mind" he says and walks off with Nero and Hope, discussion plans and what not. Yeah I doubt that. I climbed up a tree and closed my eyes for a while. I needed a few hours sleep.

I woke up to the sound of music and people singing and laughing. I look down and see the party going on. I wasnt in the middle of it, I was more in the darkened area, where the fire didnt keep alight. Where monsters like me were meant to reside. I watched as the angel danced around with a few little kids, Nero stood aside the alpha, staring at the angel and refusing to take his eyes off of her. Lucky her. I grabbed my blade and pulled out my sharpening stone as well and began sharpening my small dagger that is always strapped to my waist. "KYTARA!" Neros familiar voice yelled from below and I looked down at him before returning to sharpening my blade. "Kytara!" He yelled again and I ignored him. Next thing I knew he was sitting beside me. Out of pure shock I fell backwards, awaiting the pain of branches and the cold floor. I landed in strong arms and I looked up at Nero who was holding me bridal style. "You should be more careful" he says and I slide out of his grip and brushed the dirt off my clothes, "you didnt have to catch me I was fine" I told him and he looked taken aback. "Well then. Sorry for trynna help. Go back to sulking then" he says and walks away. Stupid hybrid doesnt know anything. "Hes a fickle one Nero is" a boy with dirty blonde hair and soft eyes said from behind me. He was leaning against a tree. He looked no older then sixteen and I didnt realise how tall he was until he stood straight. "He masks sadness with anger so technically you just made him sad" the boys says and I pick up my stone and my blade from where they hit the floor. "Do I look like I care?" I asked and he smiled as he stepped closer and leant right next to my ear, "the thing is little demon, you do. You care what people think of you even though you pretend that you dont" he whispers and I had the sudden urge to stab him. "SAM!" The alpha voice echoed and the boy, Sam stepped back. "Leave the demon alone" he says and Sam raised his hands before stepping back and walking away. I ignored the alpha as I walked past and grabbed a drink. Something strong. Ah they had a keg. Thank good. I poured myself a drink and skulled it. Damn I needed that. I poured myself another drink and turned arouns and bumped right into Nero, spilling my drink all over him. He grunts and stares down at his soaked shirt. "Oh im sor...." I stopped mid sentence "you should have watched where your going" I said and he stared at me. "Were you about to apologise?" He asked and I had to get out of there. "You wish. I dont care of you got a little stain on your shirt" I sais and pushed past him, slamming my shoulder into his arm as I walked past him. Hope walked over and I slammed into her to, "out of my way angel" I said and I got about two steps away before liquid was splashed on my back. The scent of alcohol hit me and I turned around to see Nero filling up a cup. "Did you just throw that at me!" I yelled and the angel giggled as he a devilish smile crosses Neros face "I dont care if you got a little stain on your shirt" he says mocking my previous words and I glare at him before storming off. I'm not a fashion freak but this alcohol was sticking to my back and it was gross. I grabbed my bag and stormed off into the forest so I could change my shirt without having eyes all on me. I dont need them seeing my battlescars.

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