Chapter 32 - Silent

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Do you ever feel like your numb? Or you feel like everything you've known is just gone? Well I feel worse. I knew it was stupid to think that I had a chance but I never did. My heart doesn't belong to someone like Nero. No his heart belongs to Kytara. The world is a pain sometimes. This mission or quest you like to call it, is nearly over. Death is the last Key. And he isn't that easy to deal with.

All the books and stories I have seen and heard, they are deep and dark. Never, not once has someone killed Death. They all died, by Death himself. Now do you get why they call him Death? He claims and makes death right on the spot. He literally controls whoever to kill. So someone will die and be forgotten. It happened to an angel once. My baby sister to be exact. But it was a long time ago. I hardly remember it. But maybe Death will even remember me.

"Hope." I tuned him out. I'm not dealing with the heart ache. If I cant have him, so be it. Ill just stick to my plans of the quest, go home and die like everyone else wants. Its not like I'm going to survive very long with the pain leaking away; rotting my insides till I rot on the outside.

The crunching of leaves and a carcass dragging around on the ground were loud in my ears. I closed my eyes and didn't bother looking up. We all know its only Kytara. Kytara the little girl who hides her feelings. The girl who needs love. The little girl who has Nero's heart in her own two hands, with or without knowing it.

"I brought food, even apples for the princess." She called, slumping the poor animal to the ground with a slump. The apples at my feet. I stared down at them, wondering if I should eat them or not. I looked back at my book and kicked them away, "I'm not hungry." I murmur and turn my back on them. Not like I care. The lovebirds can sit and talk all they want. Not like I'm in the way. I mind my own business.

"Seriously! I went and got those for you! Your..." Her rampaging and yelling stopped but a small mutter from Nero. I blocked them out, their argument about me. I wish I had a pair of earplugs. A tree just outside our camp caught my eye of interest. I picked up my books and walked over to the tree. It was snug looking. Almost inviting. I lied down my sleeping back and sat against the bark, my back resting against it. I looked up slightly to see Nero and Kytara eating silently. Scoffing I looked back down in the pages of ink.


It was morning when we were walking off towards a graveyard, not far from where we camped. Death is under a small tomb where his human body lies. His deep dark soul resting with his newfound demon body. That's what Death is, part demon. Kytara should know this. She is demon after all. Actually every horsemen is demon, or well half I suppose.

Last night when the others slept, I stayed up to keep guard for a while. Yes call me a bit rude, I even ate those apples Kytara got me. I was hungry, but I didn't show the other two that. I was suppose to be ignoring them. I thought we all could be friends. But the heart does what it wants. Even destiny wants nothing of me in the picture. Lowly destiny being an ass.

And here I was, the angel of happiness. Now the angel of gloominess and heartbreak. What a tragic of events. Note the sarcasm. "Why wont she talk to us?" Kytara asked Nero. I was hanging behind them. I point to every time we have to take route but that's it. Nero and Kytara have been extra close this past day.

You know they kissed right? Well I saw the whole thing. They just loved the kiss they had to make it longer. Until Kytara got all blushy and walked off. Not that Nero mind, he was too distracted and memorized by her lips on his.

Shaking my head I looked up. The sun was setting in a few hours. Maybe two. We should be at the graveyard by sun fall. Might even get there at night. Never know. The world is a weird place to be in at times. "I...I don't know. You know the destiny thing she was talking about?" Nero asked her. Her only response was a nod of a head. "Well I asked her and she slapped me. Its a touchy subject but, she knew that we like each other. She said that...that I used her. Which I kinda did." I scoffed. Got that right buddy. They didnt hear my scoff.

"Did you like her?" Kytara asks. I tuned out of it again. No, he never liked me. Kytara. He loves Kytara. My thoughts were interrupted when Nero spoke, "No but she is like a little sister, I feel the need to protect her. My little Snowflake." Snowflake. My nickname. I totally forgot about the nickname he gave me. But why would he choose Snowflake?

"Why Snowflake?" Nero shrugged, "Because she is fragile like a snowflake. She can easily be broken." Tears welled up in my eyes. Not because im sad. I'm more pissed. Im not fragile. I can handle things. I handled those four vamps didn't I? I even handled my cousin Castiel. See I'm not fragile like a stupid snowflake. grumbling I butted shoulders and walked passes them, "I don't want your stupid nickname."

I looked up and found the grave yard just ahead. I kept walking though. The tomb just in sight. We don't need to portal this time. Just gotta move a rock and we are down there. By a pair a stairs.

I went in and moved the black stone and the coffin of Deaths human body, moved to the side. A spiral stair way lead downwards towards Death. "Were here." Was the only thing I said before walking down the stairs with the other to behind me.

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