Cable Cars

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God it's 3am who could be calling me now?

"Hello?" I said sleepily into the cell phone.


"Omg Brent how are you I haven't heard from you in forever!" I said excitedly forgetting all about sleep and just thinking about my best friend I hadn't heard or seen in ages.

"I'm good but I'm calling to invite you to my wedding!" Brent practically yelled into my ear.

"Wedding..... we are 17, who are you getting married to?" I asked worried.

"After we moved to Colorado I met this girl, Brianna, well I proposed two months ago and we are getting married on valentines day." Brent said.

"Valentine's day that's less then a month away Brent! Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm sure I want you here within a week! Bring someone with you if you want! Hell bring ten people. I just want you here by the first! Hey listen I gotta go love you!" Then Brent was gone.

"Love you to...." I said to nothing in particular.


Was the only thing on my mind.

Why him?

Why now?

Why me?

I think I'd rather he never have contact with me again then for him to not talk to me for seven month only for him to tell me he is engaged.

I looked and my fully charged iPod on the iHome. I grabbed it and scrolled through my songs clicking on just the right one....

How To Save A Life by: The Fray


Hey chicks and dudes.

This is my newest story idea and well I wanna know if anyone likes it.

I've decided I won't post anymore of it unless people read it and vote.

So guys I really wanna continue this story so please vote, comment, and read it :)!

Lots of love


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