*~*Chapter 15*~* "Brawls at 3am at McDonald's"

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*~*Chapter 15*~*

"Brawls at 3am at McDonald's"

We pulled into the drive way a little after 9 that night. To say the atmosphere was suffocating was sugar coating it.

Neither of us spoke so the only trying I could do was comprehend my distraught thoughts.

What is going to happen to Bri?

What is going to happen to Cole if Bri dies?

What about whenever Aaron leaves the hospital?

What if the worst happens to Brianna and Cole just up and leaves Aaron?

What if Brianna dies and Cole neglects Aaron because he blames him?

"I read to many damn depressing books." I said out loud on the couch.

"Come again?" Brent asked.

"What ever happens we can't let Cole give up Aaron!" I said looking at him in the eyes.

"What are you talking about babe?" Brent asked sitting beside me grabbing my hands.

"I mean what... What if Brianna dies an..and Cole just leaves. He either just leaves Aaron with us or he just drops him on someone's doorstep." I said wiping my tears and snot down my sleeve.

"Baby, never we will be here for Aaron." He said rubbing my back and handing me a tissue.

I blew my nose into the tissue.

"Hey they haven't even set up the nursery, wanna go set it up?" He said jumping up and grabbing my hand.

We went upstairs to the room between Cole and Brianna's and ours. Inside are boxes labeled with baby stuff and buckets of paint.

"What color?" I asked.

"Since they didn't know the gender they chose yellow a neutral color." He said opening up a can of soft yellow paint.

Lets just say the rest of the night was spent getting absolutely covered in paint.




I woke up around three to the sound of my phone going off.

The number was unknown .

"He..hello." I said into the phone thinking the worst.

"Luna?" A distressed Cole said.

"Cole! Cole where are you whose phone is this what's wrong?" I rushed out.

"Luna I'm at some bar. I needed to get out and think and I don't know where I am and... I'm scared. I can't find my way back to the hospital. I'm at some McDonald's these guys have been tailing me for the last three blocks. I can't see them but the dinning room to this McDonald's is closing soon." Cole said drunkenly.

"What's around you Cole?" I asked pulling in some pants and getting into Brent's car.

"A wall-mart a few foreclosed homes and a rundown movie theater." He explained.

"Alright I'll be there soon." Unsaid hanging up and turning the car.

Eventually I found my self in a not so nice part of time.

I found a McDonald's that was in a severe need of a new paint job.

And sitting outside of that dark place was Cole sitting I the rain.

"Cole!" I yelled

"Luna! Stay in the car!" He yelled.

"What?" I yelled back confused.

"Stay in the...." And suddenly his voice was gone. I couldn't hear him anymore

"Tsk tsk Luna what a beautiful creature you are. Don't worry darling I know about my poor cousin. No need to explain. Now come with me calmly and Cole will be able to return to the hospital unharmed to that retched child and my cousin. Of course maybe being in a coma for sometime will knock some sense into my naive cousin and she will wake up and drop that thing of at the nearest slaughtering house and kick that 'husband' of hers to the curb." A familiar voice snickered.

"If I come with you. You promise no one else will be harmed?" I harmed.

"Who said you were even gonna be harmed?" The person asked.

"Promise me!" I demanded.

"I promise, okay?" He said irritated.

"Okay." And then a rag was over my mouth.

"Sorry darling need to make sure you don't witness anything." He said over the sound of a blood curdling cry, Coles cries.

"Adrian, no." I whispered then blacked out.



So did anyone at all see this coming?

Probably not.

Neither did I!

So I guess we will see what awaits Luna's fate in the next chapter!

Questions are going to be answered soon enough!

Song of the chapter: Bones Exposed- Of Mice & Men

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