*~*Chapter 11*~* I'll become a mobile

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*~*Chapter 11*~*

"I'll become a mobile."

"Hey to you to Cole!" I said.

"Where have you been! Have you seen the news? Get in here before someone sees you!" He yelled pulling me inside.

"Yeah yeah don't remind me." I said walking towards Brent's huge living room.

"What are you gonna do babe?" Brianna asked sitting down beside me.

"Obviously I'm gonna stay looking like this and I guess I'll become a mobile and change my name." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"So you are forgetting you'll be 18 in like a month. Just stay here until then." Cole said.

"Or you could stay here for good." Brent turned around."

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"You can't stay here with me. I mean you have no where else to go and this place is huge. Brianna and Cole are staying here with the baby until they get on there feet." Brent said.

"Shouldn't you ask your parents before you just let us live here?" I asked

"This is my house so I assume not my parents have their own place about an hour away." He said.

"You mean this is all yours?" I asked.

"Everything is mine except the corvette and you crashed that." He smiled

"Ha funny." I said standing up.

"What are we gonna eat?" Brianna asked.

"Luna and I ate at the mall but you guys can order something. All the take out menus are on the island in the kitchen." Brent said plopping down where I was sitting and turning in the television.

I went upstairs to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and took a good look at myself. I look just like her.

'Knock knock'

"Yeah?" I asked.

"It's Bri. Can I come in?" She called.

"Come on in." I said

The door opened showing her short, pregnant figure.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mom." She said.

"It's fine I didn't really know her." I said turning around so she wouldn't see my tears.

"Didn't you live with her your whole life?" She asked.

That made me snap. I turned around pissed as hell.

"Yeah well I'm sorry I didn't have the type of relationship with my mom like all you rich people do. My mom was a fucked up drug addict and alcoholic always bringing random guys into our house. Tell me have you ever had a 67 year old man feel you up when you 13 huh? Or having to sleep in a car for a year because you were so poor you couldn't afford a roof over your head. How about.... You know what forget it. Forget you. Forget Cole. Forget all you rich asses." I said and turned back around. She started crying then left.

After a couple minuets I walked out of the bathroom into my room grabbed my bag and phone and walked down stairs.

As soon as I got down stairs Cole was in my face.


" OH YEAH AND I BET HER SEEING YOU FUCK OTHER GIRLS WASN'T STRESSFUL." I screamed and pushed my finger into his chest.

"OH FUCK YOU MISS MY LIFE IS SO AWFUL BOO HOO." He shoved me into the stair rail.

"OH FUCK OFF MISTER PERFECT AND GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME." I attempted to shove him off of me.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." He slammed me into the wall hard.

I slumped to floor my head hit the wall hard. I had to sit there until the room stopped spinning.

I looked up and he looked scared and Brent ran over and shoved him away Brianna was at my side trying to help me up. She felt my head and pulled her hand back to show her tan palm covered in blood. My blood.

Brent screamed something at Cole I couldn't hear what they were saying my ears were ringing, the room was spinning I couldn't think straight. Soon I was being picked up.

"You idiot she is still hurt from the crash you dumb ass. You probably ripped out her stitches." Brent was screaming.

"Man I didn't mean to push her I... I was pissed and worry about Bri." Cole was crying.

"Guys shhh we are all under a lot of stress between the wedding, the pregnancy, and keeping Luna hidden. Lets calm down and stop yelling you are probably making her head hurt even more." Brianna said softly.

"Luna baby look at me can you hear me?" Brent asked laying his hand on my cheek.

I shook my head yes.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

Going to the hospital would mean giving them my real name. The cops would be there in a matter of minuets.

"Can you say something?" Brent asked.

"Put me down I'm leaving." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"It's obvious I'm just stress here for everyone." I said trying to not look at his sad face.

"Baby you are not stressful. This day has just been stressful. We will clean up your head and put you in your batman pajamas and watch a batman marathon. Okay?" Brent seriously was worried I was gonna leave.

"Okay." I snuggled into his chest as he took me into the kitchen and sat me on the counter so Brianna could clean my head.

After my head was clean and bandaged Cole apologized eight more times and brought me a gallon of birthday cake ice cream and Doritos. Brent took me upstairs to let me get dressed in my pajamas and laid down beside me in my bed and we began with the very first batman.....

This was how I liked it.

"Wanna get married and have a baby?"


Hey I know it's been awhile but ill be able to post more soon since I start summer vacation soon. Then ill be a freshman gahhh.

So what do you think of this chapter?

Oh I'll be editing this story soon which just means ill be going through and fixing all my typos and stuff. I was reading this last night and there is a ton.

So comment and vote for chapter 12.

Song of the chapter: Mobile- Avril Lavigne


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