*~*Chapter 1*~*

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Hey people this chapter is dedicated to DreamingForever53 for being my first and only commenter so far :D! Thanks for being awesome and loving Hard To Save A Life!


*~*Chapter 1*~*

I stared at my cell phone after I got dressed for school that morning.

I guess I shouldn't be upset that Brent is engaged. I mean he moved 10 states away, maybe that's a sign that it wasn't meant to be and that I should just move on. I did move on though.

I'm now dating Cole. Sure Cole wasn't the greatest guy but no one is perfect. Cole has some good qualities, ya just don't see them often.

I herd a honk and looked out my window to see a familiar grey hummer. I have a car of my own but Cole insist I ride to school with him everyday.

I ran down the stairs of our small apartment. It's just my mom and I, my dad left around the time of my thirteenth birthday.

I threw open the front door of the hummer and threw my bag in then jumped in and buckled up.

" Geez Lulu ya don't have to take out whatever it is your mad about on my baby." Cole said staring at me.

There are some of Coles faults.

1. He insist on calling me Lulu

2. He refers to his hummer as his baby around me.

3. He assumes I'm alway angry at something.

"I'm not mad Cole." I said staring out the window as we drove to school.

"Come on Lulu don't lie to me." He said.

"I'm not lying Cole, do you wanna go to Colorado with me in a week?" I sighed.

"Why would I wanna go there isn't it cold there?" He frowned.

"Because Brent is getting married and I wanna be there." I looked down at my chipped black nails.

"Who'd wanna marry that faggot!" Cole sneered.

"He is my best friend Cole, please just do this for me. Or you know what will happen." I stared at him.

"You promised you wouldn't speak of that again Luna!" He yelled.

"Cole you know very well if the time ever came where I had to talk that I would." I sneered at him.

"Fine! I'll go to some gay boy wedding." He hit the steering wheel as we turned into the school parking lot.

"Good! By the way he is marring some chick!" I kissed his cheek and grabbed my bag and got out of the hummer and ran to my homeroom before I was considered late again and they'd call my mom.


Heyy guys so here is the first actual chapter! I'd love more feedback.

Sooo please vote and comment! I want your guys thoughts so far!

So what do you think of Cole? Hate him, Love Him, wish he'd die in a hole?

And what's this big secret??

Got any ideas? Comment them then people I love when this iPod dings letting me know I have a comment! Especially while I'm in class 😯.

Love ya,



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