*~*Chapter 10*~* Mama We All Go To Hell

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*~*Chapter 10*~*

"Mama we all go to hell."

The discharge papers were filed out and Brent was taking me home.

"Oh my god what happened to the car?" I asked.

"Well that puppy is totaled." He said like it didn't matter I crashed his dads $80,000 car.

"Your dad is so pissed." I said.

"My dad doesn't care about the car he was glad that you and Bri are ok." He said.

See that's the good thing about Brent's family they have tons of money but they are genuinely kind people.

"So um how do you feel about the whole

wedding thing?" I asked looking out the window.

"It's a little awkward but it's good for Brianna to be happy besides I'm the baby's god father!" He smirked.

"You are going to spoil this kid rotten." I smiled.

"You betcha darlin'." He said with a fake southern accent.

"Don't ever do that again." I laughed.

"Aww but it's fun." He pouted like a three year old.

"You are weird." I laughed punching him in the arm.

"That's why you love me!" He laughed.

"Yeah that's why." I said softly looking down at my hands.

"Wanna stop for some ice cream?" He asked.

"Yeah! What kind of question is that?" I said.

We drove around and finally stopped in front of this little ice cream place. We walked in and were greeted by coldness. We went over and ordered I got a birthday cake blitz and he just cookie dough. We sat down in a booth that had a good view of the T.V.

Of course it was on the news channel but I didn't think anything about it as we sat in silence.

"Just in breaking news from Brookesville,Pennsylvania. 38 year old Megan Black has died by being raped and then murdered at a local bar. Ms. Black has a 17 year old daughter Luna Black who is no where to be found. Officials say there is no known relatives of the girls. If anyone has any information on Luna Black please call the Brookesville local police office. Her picture will be on the screen in just a moment with the phone number."

Suddenly I wasn't hungry any more. I looked up to see Brent staring at me. He knew I wasn't gonna cry but he didn't know I was gonna run. He grabbed my arm as if I were going to run he could stop me.

"Are you okay?" He asked running his hand down to mine and rubbing circles on my palm.

"Yeah I'm fine she's been dead to me since I was twelve. This time it's just for real." I said shoving a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"We are gonna have to change your appearance." He said.

"Excuse me?" I asked wondering what he meant.

"Ever since that news report the dude behind the counter has been looking at you and that picture. We are gonna have to dye your hair give ya a couple of piercings." He said keeping an eye on the guy.

"If he pulls out his phone we leave." I said cautiously.

"If he leaves our sight we leave. There is a possible business phone in the back and I have a good feeling he has that number on speed dial now." He said grabbing my melted ice cream and his throwing it away.

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