*~*Chapter 13*~* "Three cheers for the happy couple"

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*~*Chapter 13*~*

"Three cheers for the happy couple"

•Brianna's POV•

~Day of the wedding~

I looked at my self in the mirror my white dress flowed nicely down my very pregnant body.

"Knock,knock. It's Luna." I heard from out side the door.

"Come in." I said

"Hey.. Oh wow Bri you look stunning." Luna said cheerfully.

"Thanks. I just wish... Never mind." I said sadly.

"I'm sorry your parents wouldn't come. Cole tried as hard as he could to convince them." Luna said sitting me down in front of the mirror.

"I knew they wouldn't come they sent me off once we got her until I had the baby. They wanted me to put the baby up for adoption once I gave birth and then i was to come home. They hate Cole so this just wasn't an option." I said looking at myself.

"Well this will probably be one of their biggest regrets one day. They sure are missing out. You make a beautiful and wonderful bride and I know you'll be a fantastic mother." She said brushing my hair back to put into a cute bun.

"Oh thank you Luna." I said wiping the stray tears from my eyes.

"Girl don't cry over me you'll ruin my master piece." She said teasingly.

"Oh Luna what would I do with out you?" I said standing up and hugging her.

"You'd be late we gotta go." She said handing me my bouquet of white roses and then picking up her own.

She walked in front of me till we reached the entrance to the actual church are (idk what it's called). She linked arms with Brent who in turned smiled back at me.

"Ready to go Bri?" Brent asked.

"Ready as ill ever be." I said.

Then the doors were open and Luna and Brent were gone.

After a few minuets I began to get these sharp pains in my stomach. Not sickness pain but almost like severe cramps.

Oh no. Not now. Baby please wait till mommy married daddy.

Soon I was hobbling down the aisle with a strained smile on my face.

Cole looked so handsome in his tux. Think about Cole. The pain will go away.

Soon I was standing in front of my love.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today..." The preacher said. I stopped listening thought until I had to say my words because frankly this pain was not going away.




"Do you Cole Maxwell Knight take Brianna Lynn Stevens to be your lawfully wedded wife." The preacher asked.

"I do." Said a smiling Cole.

"And do you Brianna Lynn Stevens take Cole Maxwell Knight to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do." I said cringing.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Cole leaned in and kissed me. As the kiss grew deeper I started to feel the warm water dripping down my leg onto the floor.

Cole backed away and looked at me weirdly "Shit Bri your water just broke."

"Mhmm." I said cringing and sliding into his arms.

I began to black out as I heard who I thought was Adrian yell some one call an ambulance.


Hey guys I hope no one is confused by this. In the last chapter it is very well stated that Brianna and Coles wedding was to be the next day and a few chapters ago Brianna was marrying Cole not Brent. I know there was confusion. Actually someone asked if Brianna was marrying Luna.... No.....

Also if your wondering where Adrian came from its clearly stated as well in chapter 6 that Adrian is Brianna's cousin. Don't believe me go check. Another issue some asked why Adrian would cut the brakes on the car Luna drove when they went dress shopping if he could have potentially killed Brianna and the baby, he didn't know that she was gonna ever be in that car.

Anyways any more concerns please feel free to message me privately.

Vote! Comment! Go into labor (like bri).

Song of the chapter: Fireworks- You Me At Six


Also this chapter is dedicated to RainGraves for commenting on almost all my chapters so far. Keep up the comments girl I love them!!!!!!

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