~*Chapter 16*~* "The not so damsel in distress."

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*~*Chapter 16*~*

"The not so damsel in distress."

It's dark wherever I am. How do I know this? Because I can't fucking see a goddamn thing.

"Hello? HELLO!! Adrian." I started yelling.

"What." I heard his voice enter the room.

"Can you please take the blind fold off my eyes?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." He said.

Soon the blind fold was off and I could see that I was in what looked like a basement.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"My house." He said casually shrugging his shoulders.

"You're a shitty kidnapper you're suppose to like kill me or something." I said.

"Why would I kill you?" He asked.

"I dunno why would you kidnap me?" I asked.

"I needed to explain something to you in private. And you wouldn't talk to me." He said.

"You tried to kill me Adrian. Of course I wouldn't talk to you!" I yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Adrian said confused.

"You cut the brakes on my car and almost killed me, Brianna, and Aaron!" I screamed.

"Luna I didn't cut the brakes in the car." He said.

"Yes you did who else would cut the brakes I don't know any body in this damn town that hates me but you." I said.

"I don't hate you Luna!" He yelled.

"Then why am I here?" I asked.

"Because Megan is dead." He said.

"You knew my mom?" I asked.

"Luna I'm your twin brother." He said.

"Wait what I don't have a twin." I said.

"I'm you're twin Luna, our parents separated when we were born I stayed with our dad and you stayed with Megan." He explained.

"My dad left me and mom when I was 13." I said.

"That man wasn't our father. He was a friend of dads. Dad had him get with Megan so he could make sure you were safe." Adrian told me.

"Safe from what?" I asked.

"From this life. Megan left dad because he was in a gang. Dad didn't choose to be in the gang his dad forced him into it." Adrian said sadly.

"So you're saying mom left dad just because he was forced into a gang." I said.

"Exactly." He said

"You're my twin brother?"


"Eww we did the dirty together." I grimaced.

"No we didn't you were to drunk so when you woke up I wanted you to believe we did. I was hoping you would have came with me so I could have explained everything." He said.

"So like this is weird that mean Brianna is my cousin to?" I asked.


"Okay so now that I know you aren't bad can I leave now?" I asked.

"No!" He said sternly.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Luna by the sounds of things someone is trying to kill you. I know for sure you are safe if you stay here with me." Adrian said in a big brother sort of way.

"But what about Brent?" I asked.

"I called him already and he should be here soon. Then I'll explain to him what I just told you." He said.

"What about Cole? What did you do to him?"I asked.

"Such little trust in your brother Luna. Cole is fine we dropped him off at the hospital on the way here so he had a ride back to see Bri." He said casually.

"But he screamed." I said remembering that awful sound I heard.

"It was an act. I kind of wanted you to freak out and think you were actually being kidnapped." He said untying me.

As soon as we got up to the living room there was pounding on the door.

"Adrian open up. You can't just kidnap Luna and then invite me over casually. I have back up so don't do anything stupid." Brent yelled through the door.

"I told you to come alone. Hear that Luna lover boy is here to rescue you." Adrian said rolling his eyes.

"Just come in Bret the door isn't even locked." I said sitting on the couch casually.

The door burst open to reveal a mad Brent and a freaking out Zeb.

"Zeb was your back up?" I laughed.

"What? Luna why aren't you chained to some wall screaming and crying for help away from this monster?" Brent asked.

"Adrian isn't a monster and I wasn't kidnapped by him." I said.

"So you came with him willingly?" Zeb asked.

"Well not exactly." I said.

"What does that mean?" Bret asked.

"Sit down Brent. Adrian and I will explain everything." I said.

"I can't believe I missed the the midnight opening for Transformers 4 for this." Zeb said sighing and sitting down beside Brent.

And that's how our whole night went Adrian explains to all of us exactly what's been going on the last 18 years.




"So our dad is still alive?" I asked Adrian.

We'd been here for a couple hours now.

"Yeah. I'll introduce you to him soon." Adrian said.

"So for Luna's protection she has to stay here?" Brent asked.

"Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying." Adrian said.

"Well I'll got get our stuff." Brent said standing up.

"Who said anything about you staying here lover boy?" Adrian asked cocking his head to the side smirking.

"Where ever Luna goes I go." Brent sneered and walked out the door.

"Well that could have gone worse." Zeb said.

"Why are you still here?" I asked him.

"Brent's my ride." He said leaning back and yawning.

"Well your ride just left." Adrian said.

"Shit Brent wait up." Zeb yelled getting up and running out the door.

Well this could have gone better and worse I thought.


Helllooooo!!!! Another update WHOOP WHOOP! Anyways so yeah Adrian isn't the bad guy anymore yayyyy!!!!! So I guess some of your questions were answered. I hope so.

Anyways any concerns, thoughts, or ideas? Comment them.

I kind of feel like I'm losing my connection with Brianna. But who knows maybe ill be able to make a final decision on her fate. Funny how her whole life is on the pads of my thumbs. *evil laugh*.

So guys please comment and vote!

Song of the chapter: Clarity- Zedd


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