The Best Day of My Life

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Sqaishey's POV
     I woke up to the sweet aroma of fruit crawling up my nostrils. I was still half asleep, so it didn't really question me. Usually I was the one who cooked. I reached my hand out for Stampy's, but I couldn't find it. I didn't feel like opening my eyes right now, so I went back to bed. 

Stampy's POV
     "Joe, do you think we should wake her?" Said my best friend, Squid. "I'm honestly getting tired of waiting!"

     "David!" Cried his fiancé, Nicole. "She's tired.

     "Oooo! Stamps, don't suppose that you and her were up all night, were you?" Squid said.

     "David!" Nicole said, once again.

     "Only kidding Joe!" He said. 

     I just laughed. You never knew what Squid could be thinking or plotting. He had a totally different sense of things. We were planning a surprise party for Sqaishey. She nearly had 900,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel. We had been up for the past two hours preparing. Of course, Nicole did the cooking. I couldn't bake to save my life. She had cooked up these incredible cinnamon waffles, Sqaishey's favorite. 

     "Joe, perhaps I may suggest something," said my sister, Netty. "Once the live subscriber count says 800,990, you should go into your bedroom and bring her here. When you arrive, the amount should be very close to 900,000. We won't tell her anything," she added. "It'll make her super confused once we pie her in the face!"

     "Sounds great to me," said our friend Amy. 

     "Joe! Look!" said my friend, Tom. "You had better hurry!" The subscriber count was already at 800,992. 

     "Yikes! I'll be fast," I said, running down the hallway. 

     When I got to Sqaishey's room, I ran through the door and shook her to wake her up.    

    "Bethany, Bethany! Get up! It's an emergency!" I said. 

     She awoke, startled. "Joe, what's going on?" she asked.

     I had no time to explain. I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her out of the bed. 

     "I'm still in my duck onesie," she said. "I can't be seen like this!" 

     I yanked her arm and ran with her out of the room. I sat her down just as the amount reached 900,000. As soon as I saw it, I smacked her in face with a blueberry pie. 

     "JOE WHAT THE HECK!!??" she screamed. 

     As soon as she did that, a giant "Happy 900k Sqaishey" poster was projected onto the wall.   

         Squid, Nicole, Ash, Tom, Netty, and Amy all threw bunch of confetti into the air. I kissed her on the lips, and she realized what was going on. 

     "Oh my, oh my! Joe! Is this... is this... Oh my gosh! I can't believe this! Is this actually happening? Thank you!" She said to all of us. 

     I smiled at her. "Congratulations sweetheart!" I said.  

      "Beth," Tom began. "Joe has a little bit of a surprise for you."

     Grinning, I held out two ski tickets for the grand opening of Marvelous Mountain, Tom and Netty's new ski resort. It had a private resort next to the mountain. We were staying there for three nights.

     "Joe! Oh my goodness! You're so sweet!" Bethany said, kissing me.

     "It's Tom and Netty, really," I said. 

     "Let's go!" She cried. "Right now, I want all the time in that Jacuzzi I can have!" 

     "Netty's already packed our stuff, so once you dress we can!" I said. 

     "Thank you so much Joe! You're the best," she said. "I love you."

     "I love you too, Beth," I said, kissing her cheek.

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