Bad News

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Sqaishey's POV

Later that week, the doctor finally had an update on Stampy. Tom, Netty, Amy, Squid, Nicole, and I all gathered in Stampy's hospital room around him to listen. 

"Joe seems to not be doing very well," the doctor said. "There are currently no signs of life in his body, however it does not mean he is dead because he is in a coma. Considering the state of his bones, if he even does wake up he will have a very hard time recovering. There is a high risk of death afterwards."

I starred at the doctor, stunned. Nicole gave me a hug. 

"I was in a meeting yesterday with other doctors that specialize in comas, and we have concluded that there is a 90% chance that Mr. Garret will not wake up," the doctor said. "I am truly very sorry to break it to you. There is simply nothing we can do."

My gaze on Stampy suddenly dropped to the floor. My hope was gone. My desire to function was gone. I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.


"Beth, are you okay," I heard a voice say.

"No don't disturb her, Nicole," said a familiar voice. "Imagine how you'd feel if you found out I was gone. I bet you'd have fainted."

I suddenly thought I saw Stampy hovering over me. I couldn't believe it! I reached out to grab his head, and I gave him a kiss on the lips. 

"Yuck! Netty what is she doing to you!?" said a voice from across the room. 

"Eww!" Amy cried. 

I opened my eyes to suddenly see Squid's face right up against mine. "Ah!" I said. 

"Beth, why the hell did you just kiss Netty?" he cried.

"Um, David," I said. "That wasn't Netty, that was Joe! And besides, what's even going on?"

"Guys calm down! Let the poor girl breathe for a second!" Amy said. "Hi Beth, we'll explain everything, just hold on for a second."

I suddenly noticed I was lying in a hospital room. Now I was really confused.

"Okay Beth," Amy said. "What happened was, well... After they had told us about the state of Joe, you kind of just fainted."

I was shocked. 

"Yeah," Tom said. "You kind of just fell over. They brought you here."

"Anyway, about the kissing..."Amy said. "What I think happened was that you saw Netty and assumed it was Joe."

"Yes, don't worry about it," said Netty. "I completely understand. You were in a state of shock."

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?" I cried. They all nodded. "That's so embarrassing. I'm sorry Netty!" I said. 

Everyone forgave me and understood. I was lucky to have such great friends like them. I missed Stampy so much. I liked to be optimistic about things, but with only a 10% chance of survival, I wasn't sure I had any hope left in me. 

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