The Downfall

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Sqaishey's POV 

At first I just stared in shock at Stampy's body on the ground, his blank expression staring right up at me. I thought was surely dead or so badly injured that he'd never be himself ever again. I started sobbing, and I didn't want to do anything except that. Suddenly my senses came back to me and I signaled for the operator to stop the chairlift. I pulled out my phone and dialed 999. 

"Hello, what is your emergency?" said a female voice on the other line. 

"My boyfriend..." I sobbed. "We were skiing, and he had a huge sneezing fit. He sneezed himself off the chairlift. He landed on  a tree, and rolled off it all the way to the ground. He landed on his head, and then his neck snapped back around it. He doesn't appear to have any signs of motion."

"Alright," the woman said. "Can you tell me about how high up from the ground you were when he feel?" she asked. 

"Fifty feet," I said. "I'm sure of it. It said that right on the chairlift beam next to us."

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness," the woman cried. "We will be there immediately. What ski resort are you at?" 

"Marvelous Mountain," I said. "My boyfriend's sister and her fiance own it. It just opened last week. You may have trouble finding it," I told her. 

"Thank you," we are on our way," she said. 


I sat patiently in the lobby of Rosenburg Hospital. (it's not actually real I just made that up)  Netty and Tom were by my side and felt terrible. I had told them not to feel bad; there was nothing they could have done. We watched as they carried Stampy's body, which was on a stretcher, into the emergency room. We followed them. 

"Oh, sorry," the receptionist said. "Visitors are not allowed at this time. They first need to conclude what is wrong with Mr. Garret."

"But ma'am," said Netty. "We are family!"

"No exceptions," the woman said, glaring at us. 

We sighed back down into our seats. Finally after what seemed like forever, they called us in. 

"Alright," the doctor said. "Joseph see-" 

"Joe," I interrupted. "He prefers being called Joe." 

"Anyway," the doctor said, eyeing me angrily. "Joe seems to be a coma. It is unknown when he will wake up, but we will inform you shortly. He also appears to have broken his left leg. We are going to set the bone and put him in a cast shortly."

"Give him an orange cast," I said to the doctor, "He loves orange." 

"Um... Okay, yes we will try," he said. 

"No!" I cried. "You won't try,  you will," I shouted. "I am his girlfriend! The love of his life, and I will not have you in any way, shape, or form disrespect my baby by treating him like dung!" I held up my promise ring, hoping that that he would see it as an engagement ring like the fans had. "And besides, even is he is sleeping, he deserves the best!" I kissed Stampy on the cheek and walked out of the room with Tom and Netty following close behind me. 

"Wow Beth," Tom said. "That was some badass speech you had there!"

"Please don't say words like that, but thank you Tom," I said. 

"Beth, I'm really sorry, but Tom and I really need to get going," said Netty quietly. 

"Oh that's fine," I said. "I'm actually going back in there to spend more time with Joe after that snobbish doctor leaves."

"Okay, see you tomorrow Beth," said Netty.

"Bye Beth!" said Tom. 

"Bye," I said. 

After the doctor had left the room and Stampy's cast had been put on, I went back into Stampy's hospital room and sat down on a nearby chair. 

PLAY GONE GONE GONE BY PHILLIP PHILLIPS NOW (it's at the top of the chapter)

I thought of all the happy memories we had had together. I thought of when I was younger and fangirled over him all the time. I never thought that I'd get to share my life with him. I remembered when he subscribed to me on YouTube, and I nearly had a heart attack. I remembered how he cuddled me by his side when I had found out that my hamster Sparky had died. He stayed with me every moment and helped me recover. He took care of me when I was sick, and basically made me famous. I thought of when we had gone to Disney Land together and I almost threw up on the roller coaster. I remembered when we went out to fly his drone and it later got stuck in a tree. I remembered his scream when he won the Cave Den grass race. I remembered all of our silly little arguments, how he had freaked out when I bought Cortana and then grew to love her. I would never forget his excitement when he hit 8 million subscribers. I thought of all the selfies we took, how we'd sit together for hours looking at messages from fans. I loved 'Steak in a Hole' and 'Broccoli Hammock' from twins. He meant the world to me. It feels terrible to have everything taken away from you. The last time I had felt this sad was when my brother died. I promised myself that I would do anything to help Stampy. I talked to him quietly and told him all my feelings for him. My happiest memory with him was when he asked me to be his girlfriend. He helped me shape my life, and now I was going to help him live his. I now remembered that it would probably never happen again. I stayed with him for the next three hours and sobbed for every minute of it. 

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