Teardrops, Mac n Cheese, and Oliver

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By the time we had gotten to the hospital, everyone had pretty much calmed down from the whole business with Nicole. The hospital was offering free valet parking, so we decided to do it. We walked through the doors into the vast hospital. The walls were gorgeous. 

"Now," said Tom as were walking to Stampy's room. "We can only spend a maximum of 20 minutes here in order to be on time for the Cheesecake Factory. They always have outrageous wait times, and I don't about you but I am HUNGRY!" 

We all nodded and continued our walk to the elevator. 

"Room 633 is on the seventh floor," said Netty, pushing the circular '6' button on the elevator. 

I loved riding in elevators. Going down was especially fun because it made your stomach drop. This one happened to be a glass elevator, which made it even more fun because we could see how fast we were going. 

When we arrived at the top we walked down the hall to where Stampy's room was. 


I stared at her face. She. Was. GORGEOUS. I loved the way she had cut her hair in a little bob around her head. But her eyes were what did it for me. They were a sparkling blue emerald color which made her look absolutely amazing. Her clothes were perfect. Everything about her was. I wasn't really sure why I had broken up with Nicole. The moment I saw Sqaishey in my brother's car I knew that I loved her. When Nicole called her a you know what it just about killed me. I knew it was very stupid of me. Sqaishey was with Stampy and she loved him dearly. I would probably just stay single for the rest of my life, but that was okay. I was satisfied just seeing her face. I might consider confessing to her. I wasn't sure yet. 


When we entered Stampy's hospital room, I saw him lying completely still, breathing only a few times every minute. The good news was that the doctors had said his body would still function in the coma. His broken leg was nearly healed which was great. I still completely adored him. The only thing was, I liked Squid too. I was so confused right now. I didn't know what to think. I sat down in the chair next to Stampy's bed. I ran my finger through his fluffy hair like we used to do all the time. I kissed him on the lips and before I knew it, ginormous tears started pouring down my face. They felt hot against my skin. I could feel the tears making a puddle on Stampy's face. I knew my makeup was coming right off, but I didn't care. Finally I let go of him, wiping the tears out of my eyes. I felt Squid come up next to me. Without realizing, I grabbed his hand and snuggled myself up against him. It felt wondeful. 


 She. Grabbed. My. Hand. She actually grabbed my hand! Then she snuggled up against me. Was it possible that she actually liked me? It was impossible. Regardless, tonight would confess. 


What did I just do?! I grabbed Squid's hand! What did he think? I was totally screwed. He could not know! No way could I let that happen. I just had to take a deep breath and figure this all out. My brain was so clogged up that I couldn't think. Tears just kept streaming out of my eyes, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Squid pulled him self into me and kept rubbing my back. 

"Don't worry," he said softly. "He'll be okay, everything's going to turn out fine hon," I heard him say. 

Did he just call me hon?! I'm positive I heard him incorrectly. I was probably just hearing things. There was no way he could like me, was there? I reviewed the situation in my head. He had just experienced a breakup. The entire time afterwards he kept staring at me. It could be possible, but it was very unlikely.

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