New Admiration

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"Partying hard, are we now?" said Amy as she stepped into Netty and Tom's car.

"We're just singing Amy," I said. 

"Okay, LOL," she said. "So are we going to Squid and Nicole's place now?" 

"Yep," said Tom. "Then to the hospital to visit Joe."

We played more songs from Sing on the ride to Squid's house. My favorites had to be Faith and I'm Still Standing. They were both super motivational and me feel better about what was to come. I had faith in Stampy, and no matter what happened I would still stand and be strong. I wasn't going to let this destroy my life.

"Hi guys!" said Squid's familiar happy voice as he got into the car. 

"Hey bro!" said Tom. 

"David!" I said, hugging him. I was smiling the entire time until I saw Nicole out of the corner of my eye. I was pretty sure that she disliked me too. 

"Hey Annette, hi Tom!" she said, pushing her hair behind her ear. "And you are..." she said, purposely leaving me last. 

"Nicole! That's Beth! Joe's girlfriend!" said Squid disapprovingly.  

She narrowed her devilish eyes at me. "Ohhhh right! Silly me! You're that squishy cake person, right?"

I knew she was doing this on purpose. "Sqaishey Quack," I said, narrowing my eyes back at her. I decided to play the game her way. "And you collect Black Widow Spiders, right?" I knew perfectly well that she collected tarantulas, which was still repulsive, but Black Widows seemed more menacing. 

"Honey, I collect tarantulas," she snapped, rolling her eyes. 

"Oh," I said. "How... lovely!" 

She rolled her eyes at me. 

"Alright, alright everybody!" said Netty, trying to quiet us all down. "Song request?" 

"I'm Still Standing!" I said. 

Nicole wrinkled her nose at me. "Never. Heard of it," she said, pausing between the words to make herself seem even more rude. "How about..." she thought. "Hmmm... Maybe... Oooo! All About That Base! I love that song!"

All of us groaned in perfect unison. 

"Well," Netty began. "Nicole is our guest, so we should let her choose to listen to at least a few of her kind of songs."

"Fine," Amy said. "But only three. Then we'll get back to the Sing soundtrack."

"Really?" said Nicole with puppy eyes. "Only thwee?" she said, this time with the puppy voice. 

"Nicole, come on," said Squid. "We'll be at the hospital soon anyway."

"Yes, I know David!" she snapped. "But I don't care about going to the stupid hospital to visit that what's-his-face Jake!"

"It's Joe," I corrected. 

"Shut up! I didn't ask for your opinion, you nasty little bitch!" she cried. 

Everyone in the car sat starring at Nicole. Squid moved over closer to me and hugged me as the tears streamed down my face. I felt peaceful with him next to me. I moved in closer to him. 

He finally let go of me which made me feel vulnerable again. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and took a deep breath. "You know what Nicole?" he shouted. 

"What is it Squid Nugget?" she asked. 

"Squid Nugget is what my friends call me," he said, starring at her. 

"Ohhhhh!" said Tom. "Burn!"

"But Squiddy I am your-"

"Nicole! You know, I'm a pretty tough guy," he began. 

"I know honey, that's why I loooooove you!" she said trying to act cute. 

Squid looked disgusted by this. "I can tolerate a lot. Pain, annoyance, but you know the one thing I can't tolerate?"

"What is it? Nasty little bitches like squishy?" 

"That's it you fuc-" Squid began.

"David," Tom interrupted, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"Fine," Squid said. "Even though you deserve it, I'm not going to treat you how you treated my friend!"

"So now you're friends with that bitch?" Nicole asked. 

Squid looked at Tom, trying to say something. Tom seemed to understand and nodded. 

"THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Squid screamed. 

Tom clicked a button on the remote control car keys.

Nicole, now scared, leaned up against the door of the car. Suddenly the door of the minivan opened and Nicole fell backwards onto the sidewalk. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"We're officially breaking up!" Squid yelled to her. 

"David! I hate you!" she said, tears streaming down her face. 

"Good!" he said. "I hate you too!"

"Ha! That was amazing guys!" I said 

"Trick from our childhood," Tom said. 

"Sometimes, we can just sort of read each others' minds," Squid said. "It only really happens in extreme situations though."

"That's super cool!" said Netty. "But... what're we going to do about Nicole?"

"Eh, who cares about her?" Squid said. "Nothing can happen to us. We just kicked her out of our car? She can't file a police report or anything."

I looked at Squid for a moment. It was crazy that he'd broken up with his girlfriend for me.

"By the way Beth," Squid said. "I'm really sorry about her. You didn't deserve to be called that."

"Thanks," I said. "I feel bad though."

"Don't worry about it," he told me. "Now that I see what a monster she can be, I hate her!"

I grinned at Squid. He was actually kind of cute. And nice... Wait! What was I saying? I'm with Stampy, and we're about to get engaged! I couldn't take my eyes off of Squid though. He was really cute, and really nice. I only liked Squid though. I still loved Stampy, right? 

I wasn't so sure anymore... 

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