An Ounce of Hope

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"Sqaishey?" I asked.

She looked at me.

"Well, it's almost been a month, have you figured out how to get me back?"

She sighed. "Stampy, I told you. That was just a spur of the moment thing. I really don't know. I have no idea."

I decided to tell her something I hadn't said in a long time. "Well, you have to keep trying. Don't give up Sqaish, I know you can do it."

She frowned. "Well, I do have one idea. I don't know if it's going to work though..."

"Sqaishey! Who cares if it doesn't work? No one is going to judge you. At least try it," I said, trying to be encouraging.

She walked up to me and hugged me. "Thanks for that," she said.


I thought about what Netty and Squid had said and ever since that I felt stronger. I could've sworn I heard Stampy telling me to not give up.

"Well you have to keep trying," he had said. "Don't give up Sqaish, I know you can do it."

I knelt beside his hospital bed and kissed him. Today was second to last day he had left. I still had hope for him, but things were beginning to not look so good.

"Hey Stamps," I said, rubbing his hair. "I know you're in there, I really do. I still hear "Helllooooooo thiiiiiis isssss Stampyyyyyy!" echoing throughout the house even though you're not around. All your subscribers, they wish you the best and give you their prayers. Alyx has gotten huge! I can tell that she really misses her daddy though. I miss you too Stamps. I miss hearing your voice, I miss your terrible puns, I miss your laugh, I miss seeing your beautiful green eyes. Stamps, we're all begging you to come back. We know you can do it," I said.

He still just laid there, motionless.

I had one final idea. I didn't know if it would work, but somehow I heard Stampy telling me to just try.

All I did was sing.

I'm forever grateful that I did.


After trying to motivate Sqaishey, I still had a tiny little once of hope left in me, but now... that has changed.

Here we were. A day later. My last day. And Sqaishey? Still nothing from her. I was beginning to accept the fact that I wasn't coming back.

All stories have an ending. This was how my story was going to end.

Oh boy was I wrong.

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