Old Friend

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I got out of my soft, comfortable bed, groaning. I remembered that last night I hurt my self. The memory was fuzzy, but I remember falling. I think Sqaishey just took me home, and that was that.  

After I had stretched enough to actually start moving, I walked out of my office. "Bethany! Bethany boo!" I called. I felt like I hadn't seen her ages. I longed to kiss her. I loved her! 

No answer. "Bethany sweetheart! I love you!" I said again. Still, no answer. I assumed she was just sleeping. I walked down the hallway to where her office was, only to smack into a wall.

"Ouch! What the hell?!" I screamed. Bethany and I had lived in this house for almost two years. I knew my way around, and I knew that this was the way to her bedroom. I walked into the master bedroom where we usually both slept, to find a double bed instead of our large king size bed. Our white bed sheets were replaced with childish orange ones. I walked into our bathroom. All of Bethany's makeup products and toiletries were gone. What was going on!

I suddenly realized that my paycheck should have come, so I went to check my bank account on my phone. "What the hell?" I cried. It said I had $20 left in my account! I quickly logged onto YouTube to check my monetize settings. "What the hell?" I cried, again, when it said my username and password were incorrect. I tried again. Same thing. 

What if my channel had been deleted?! I typed "stam" into the search bar because I knew stampylonghead always came up when I did that. It didn't. I kicked the bed. My channel had been deleted. Stampy didn't exist anymore. I searched for Sqaishey Quack in hope that she'd have a video on her channel explaining her absence. The same exact thing happened with her channel. It wasn't there. 

Sqaishey had probably just had an emergency and had to leave without telling me. I decided to text her. 

Stampy: Hey sweetie, where are you. All of your things are gone, and the path leading to your office is blocked off. Both of our YouTube channels are gone. Do you know what's going on?

Sqaishey: WTF????? First of all, who the f r u?? Second of all y would my things be in ur house anyway, u creep!??? What the hell is YouTube anyway. Go back to kindergarten kid!

I was shocked. Bethany never used abbreviations when texting! It seemed as if the entire world had forgotten I existed. Something wasn't right. 

I went out in public to see if I could find any answers. The first placed I went was the library. That seemed logical to me. Then, I saw her. Bethany. I didn't recognize the black lipstick, eyeshadow, and hair, or the obscene clothes and the excessive amount of cuss words that excited her mouth. But I would know those eyes anywhere. The bright, aquamarine color struck me. I knew it was her. I started to approach her when I suddenly felt strong a strong tugging on my arm.

I couldn't turn around to see who it was, so I just stared into space as the dragged me. Finally they let me go,  and I could see who it was. I turned around. I was shocked.

"You!" I cried. "What are you doing here? Come to lie to me again?" I scowled at Lee. Almost three years ago, he had done something very bad and inappropriate. H was my best friend, and he lied about it! He got arrested and we never spoke again. I had to have Squid dress up as him so I could make a stupid skit video "explaining" why he left. I would never forget what he did. 

"Joe," he began listen. "I know that you hate me, and you have every right to do so, but please let me explain."

"Yeah!" I shouted. "Explain why you betrayed your best friend?!" I chuckled. "I'd like to hear all the lies you can come up with about that!"

"Joe," he sighed. "I'm getting to that. Today everything seems to be going backwards, right?"

"Well, the world has seemed to basically have forgotten who I am," I said.

"Yes, that's exactly right. Your YouTube channel is gone, your driver's license is deactivated, even your social security is non existent," he said. "If you let me talk, I'll tell you why."

I thought for a minute. He was right about my YouTube channel, but how did he know that my license and my social were deleted? I didn't even know that yet! I guess it was worth a shot. "Okay, fine," I said. 

He smiled at me. "Basically, none of this is real. You're in a coma, and so I am I. That's how we can communicate. When your're in a coma, it is basically a parallel universe. The person who meant the most to you now doesn't care about you. For me, my sister is "dead". For you, Beth turned into a Goth and hates you. None of this is real though. It is all a trick for your mind in order to escape the coma."

This sounded very unrealistic to me. "And how exactly do you know this?" I asked. 

"Well," he said. "When I was 10, I was in a coma for an hour. Now I'm currently in a coma. I just kind of figured it out, plus I talked to others." He sighed. "I know this sounds crazy, but you have to believe me Joe! The only normal thing in your parallel universe is others in comas. I went into my coma the day I got out of jail. My mum was so mad that she smacked me on the head with a steel rod. That was two years ago." He looked sad as he said it. 

"Well, how do you escape?" I asked. 

"Somebody has to desperately want you back, or else you're stuck here," he said.

"That's strange..." I said. "I have Bethany, and all of my fans. Surely she told them, and they want me back!" I cried. 

"Relax, that's why I'm here," he said. "You're special, it doesn't work that way for you. From my studies, I believe that you need to have the same relation with the parallel universe version of the person who means the most to you as you do in the real world. For you, that's Bethany."

I sighed. "But that's not possible. Parallel Beth hates me!"

"There is a way," he said. "But only you can do it. That's why you're special. You were chosen to do this because you can!" 

"Lee, you're not a cheerleader, calm down," I said. 

"I'm just trying to help," he said. "Because Joe, I care about you. You're my best friend, and you always will be. Sometimes smart people do stupid things, and I wanted to say I'm sorry. Not a day goes by that I don't regret this."

I moved closer to him. "Thanks, Lee," I said. 

(A/N: YAY LONG CHAPTER! XD, My writers block is gone!!  Also, if you haven't noticed, my two stories, The Oddball and Crazy Girl, are out now! They are about the story of Stampy and Sqaishey's lives. The Oddball is from Stampy's POV and Crazy Girl is from Sqaishey's. It would mean the world to me if you would check them out! :D)   

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