The Lion King

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I woke up to a bright ray of sunshine coming through my window. I leaped out of bed and gazed out the window. There was a cloudless blue sky starring down at me. This weather was great as it was almost always raining in England. I knew it wouldn't last long though. Suddenly I had a great idea.

It had been two days since I last saw Sqaishey, er... well, Bethany technically. It felt so weird calling her Bethany. It felt like I was mad at her. We call each other Stampy and Sqaishey in real life. 

I knew that she loved the Lion King. I even took her to see it live as our first date back in 2014. That was crazy to think that we'd been dating for almost three years. Anyway, back to my plan. Seen as today was such a beautiful day, I would take her to see the Lion King Live. I wouldn't call it a date because we'd only known each other for two days, technically. 

I logged onto my computer and bought to tickets to see the Lion King live. Then, I texted her. 

Joe: Hey

Beth: Hai! What's up

Joe: Want to go and see the Lion King live with me today at 12??

Beth: Um... 

Joe: What? Do I smell? xD

Beth: No silly! It's just... we've got school

Joe: *facepalm* dang it!

Beth: xD 

Joe: I can't believe how stupid I am

Beth: Ur not stupid. No one ever said we had 2 go 2 school ;)

Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe how savage parallel-Sqaishey was! She was perfectly willing to skip school! For me!

Joe: No Beth! We don't have to do that. I'll just return the tickets. I'd hate for you to get in trouble.

Beth: Joe we have 2 do this. I'll just say we r sick. Besides, I luv lion king! its my fav movie

Joe: Okay, I guess we can if you're sure

Beth: Absolutely 

Joe: Cool

Beth: Meet you at Starbucks at 1130 k?

Joe: yup see you there

Beth: k baiii

Joe: Bye! 


Oh. My. Gosh. Sqaishey was actually skipping school for me! This was amazing, but at the same time I felt bad. It was her idea though. I decided to make sure I looked my best seen as it was nearly 10:45 and we were meeting at 11:30.

I showered and tried my best to flatten the wild mess on top of my head. Then I had to face the struggle of finding an outfit. 

I settled on some white Vans, dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, a white, asymmetrical jacket, and some sunglasses

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I settled on some white Vans, dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, a white, asymmetrical jacket, and some sunglasses. I stood in front of the mirror. I looked okay. I decided to top it off with a white watch on my wrist. There. That looked great.

It was 11:17 and I definitely did not want to be late on my first date. I hopped into my car and drove to the Starbucks that Sqaishey wanted to meet at.


I saw her standing there the moment I walked in. Her eyes! I loved her eyes. They were an incredible dark aquamarine color. She was wearing a nice grey jumper with some black skinny jeans. She also had tall brown boots and a matching brown purse. She looked amazing. 

"Hi!" she said. 

"Hello," I said. "How are you?" 

"I'm great! You?" she asked. 

"I'm excited to see the Lion King!" I told her. 

She grinned. "Me too! Let's go!"

We walked out to my car and drove off with her sitting next to me in the passenger seat. The light caught her glamorous crystal earring, which I of course loved. As we kept on driving on talking, I realized something. Parallel-Sqaishey wasn't very different to real-life Sqaishey. Before I knew Sqaishey, she was an emo. She also suffered from several eating disorders and anxiety. She always said that I was the reason she became happy again. She said that I helped her through everything and that if it weren't for me, she probably would still be suffering. Parallel-Sqaishey barely knows me. She's acting the same way that real-life Sqaishey did before we met. This is the exact same Beth, just not the Beth I am used to. 

After a very long drive, we finally reached the outside theater. Beth and I have the man our tickets and found a nice seat where we had a great view. We talked for awhile and ordered some snacks while we waited for the show to start.

Suddenly the lights turned on and the familiar Lion King music started playing. The house went quiet. It was time for the show. 

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