A Plan

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I was torn. What Lee was saying sounded ridiculous, I mean a parallel universe! Honestly! This was coming from the man who did very bad things and then lied to his best friend about it. Then he got himself arrested. When Stampy and Lee were a thing, we both made millions of dollars. I remember how he played as my chef. He used to bake me Minecraft cakes that I'd eat for breakfast every morning. I remembered how I used to say "Num, num, num, num! Delicious as always, Leebear!" That hadn't happened in years, and it was all his fault. The saddest thing was that those videos were made to entertain children. What he did was so inappropriate that I didn't even want to think about it. 

On the other hand, what Lee was saying was the only logical explanation to what had happened. Well it wasn't logical, but it made sense. Right now, nothing made sense. I had come to a decision. I was going to trust Lee. 

If I needed to have the same relationship with parallel Beth as I do with real life Beth, I knew one thing: I had to be exactly like her. She was a Goth potty mouth. I had to be one as well. Maybe not as much as her, but I had to do it sometimes. I knew this would be hard, but I had to try. 

I walked over to Bethany and her friends to see what they were talking about. If there was anything in particular that she liked, I would try to be that or act like that. She and friends just kept laughing until she spoke.

"So, are y'all to Robert's party tonight?" she asked.

"Robert?" one of her friends asked. 

"You know the kid from our chemistry class at University? The rich ass one," she said. "He lives in a mansion and is having a party tonight with almost everyone from school. The only person who isn't invited I think is that idiot Larry."

"Thank god," another one of her friends mumbled.

"I hated him," said her other friend. 

I knew a few things. She was in college. There was a party tonight. Nobody knew me, so I could easily blend in to the crowd. I'd try to go, hopefully I'd be able to introduce myself to her. The only thing was, I didn't know what to wear. A suit would be to formal, but shorts and a t-shirt would be too casual. 

Thankfully another one of her friends spoke. "I'll try to make it," she said. "But what's the dress code?"

"Casual," replied Bethany.


I did some exploring and I found out where Robert's mansion was and also the time of the party. I went to the store and bought some new clothes. I even combed my wild mess of hair. At 5:00, I headed over to Roberts house. 

I was relieved to see that everyone arrived at the same time as me. We all went inside to go line up for food. Robert was even fancy enough to have catering. The food smelled amazing, but I mainly kept my eye out for Beth. At last I spotted her. MCR black t-shirt, ripped, black denim shorts, and black heels. This was so weird! I noticed that she was going to get in line, so I ran ahead to make sure I was in front of her. I had a plan, but she had to be directly behind me for it to work. 

Darn it! She was ahead of me. I was doomed! I hung my head low and walked away. 

"Hey! You!" said her familiar voice. 

I turned around. 

"Were you trying to get in line? 'Cause you can just go ahead of me if you want," she said.

Yes! This was perfect! "Thanks," I said, taking my spot in line. I had to find someway to return the favor.

When we finally reached the area with all the food, I purposely grabbed two paper plates. "Oops," I said, chuckling. "I grabbed two plates on accident. You can have my other one," I said, handing my plate to Bethany. 

"Ew!" she cried. "Why on earth would I take that? God knows what your filthy hands have touched!"

"Oh, erm, sorry," I said, throwing the plate in the trash. I cursed under my breath, but Bethany heard me. Something sparked her and she began to talk to me again.

"Oh you're fine," she said, laughing. "I guess you wouldn't know this, but my name is Bethany. People call me Germany because I'm such a germ-a-phobe. When I was in primary school, I got a terrible illness that was going around all because I hadn't washed my hands. Ever since then, I've always been really careful."

I laughed. "Well that is understandable," I said, grinning.

"Say," she said. "I don't recognize you. Are you new here? I'm Bethany Bates, I'm a junior."

Oh no. I hadn't planned for this. In the real world, I was six years older than Bethany, and I guess I am in this world too. I'm 26 and she's 20. People often ask why she's not still in college. She was three grade levels ahead in school, so she graduated when she was 18. I guess right now she isn't the genius Bethany that I know. She was still in college. I guess I had to say I was her age. She'd think it was uncool to date a senior. Well, I was technically too old to be a senior anyway...

"Joe Garret," I said. "Just moved here two weeks ago. I'm a junior too."

"Wow," she said. "Must be hard to move in the middle of the year!"

"Yep," I said. "My erm, uh, Dad... yeah my dad is very overprotective and he won't let me um, uh, go to school more than uhhhh, five... miles away from our house. He's uh, got a ... military job, so we've got to move around a lot." Darn it! My voice was so shaky and uncertain sounding. I bet she knew I was lying.

Her eyes like up. "No way!" she cried. "My parents are like that too! I mean, we've never had to move or anything, but yeah..." 

"Ha, that's funny," I laughed. 

"Yep," she said. "Like seriously mom! I can take care of my own ass!" she laughed. 

I faked a laugh along with her. This was so strange! I wasn't used to hear her cursing. I had to be okay with it though if I wanted any chance of dating her. 

After we had gotten our food, she asked me if I wanted to sit with her, as her friends couldn't make it. I of course, did and it was wonderful. We talked for awhile, and it was good because I got to learn more about what this Bethany liked. 

"So," she said. "Can I have your number? You know, just to like text about homework and stuff?" Her cheeks were turning red.

"Um yeah, sure," I said, trying to be cool. I hope she never actually texted me about homework. I wouldn't be able to help her. Suddenly I remembered how earlier today I had texted her and she of course didn't know who I was. She thought I was some weird creep. Her phone would most likely still have my number in it. "Um, I usually make mistakes when I'm just saying it," I lied. "I'm a visual person. Can I just type it into your phone?" 

"Here just write it out for me," she said. 

"No, I have to see the keyboard," I lied, once again. 

"Oh okay, if you say so," she sighed, handing me her rose gold iPhone 6+. 

I deleted my number from her and then I added it again, being sure to put 'Joe' as my name. "Here you go," I said, giving her the phone back. "I'll text you just to make sure it worked."

"From Joe Garret," read Bethany in a deep voice. "Hello." She giggled. "Hello Joe!"

"Hiya Bethany!" I laughed. 

So far my plan was working. I could only hope for the best.

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