Chapter 4: Accepting The Weird Truth

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Chapter 4: Accepting The Weird Truth

I'm currently in my room now, thinking about the dream.

It's already friday night and I still haven't decided if I should go or not.

I wanna know a lot of things about myself but I dreamed of it.

I remembered what my mom told me.

"To see is to believe. Don't trust the people you don't know unless you saw that they are saying the truth."

I already saw everything in the dream. I think it's very stupid. But it's real.

"To prove that everything is real. Trixie please appear infront of me now!" I shouted.

"Yes your majesty?" Trixie appeared in her butterfly form.

"You're really real. Aren't you?"

"Yes madam. Do you really think it's not real?" She answered.

"Yes. Well I dreamed of it."

I paused for a while and looked at Trixie's beautiful wings.

"Your wings are so beautiful. Can I touch them?" I asked

"Madam. I've never let anyone touch it before. My mother said don't let anyone touch it. My super powers will be gone." She replied.

"Super powers? Cool. What is your super power?" I asked smiling.

"When I was born I only got Telepathy. But when I became a royal butterfly servant. The king granted me Teleport, and the ability for me to change into a butterfly and a person." Trixie said.


"Well, since your a royal blood you have every super power." She added

"Really?" I asked shocked.

"Yes you do. Your majesty can I ask you something?"

"Sure you can."

"Are you going to go at the Birthstone world? I'm really excited to serve you. You're my first--. Well, I'm like your guardian. I'll follow you in your classes. Help you in your activities. And I'll be the one to make sure that you are not in danger. If you are, your father will kill me." Trixie said exitedly flying around my room.

"Well, tomorrow I guess can." I smiled.

"Yes!! I'm going to guide my first princess." She said.

"I better prepare." I said.

"Sure princess! I'll be right back!" Trixie said and dissappared. Well, I think she teleported.

What to do? I stared at my room. It's pretty messy huh. My stuff toys and plushies are everywhere. And some of my books are in the floor to.  Hmm. I should clean first.

Instead of cleaning my room I started packing clothes, shoes. towel, and brush. And don't forget gadgets. Hairblower, jewelries, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, soap, handkerchief, perfume, and powder. So many stuff that can't fit on my biggest suit case!

Suddenly Trixie came back. "Emily you don't need to bring many stuff like that." Trixie said

"Trixie, of course it's a palace I need to look great. I need these to look great." I said

"Pardon me your majesty but it's a palace and you're the princess. Of course they should prepare your big room with all the stuffs. Like your closet full of gowns, beautiful shoes, jewerlies. They will prepare anything for you."  She said

"Oh right. I-I didn't expected that. Hehe." I said

"It's okay. I think your just not used to people preparing things for you."

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