Chapter 1

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Dedicated to @XxSwimmer_ChickxX for the awesome cover

31 days before Valentine's Day

Is it me or is everyone in my school somehow deranged or delusional in some way? Even teachers are getting excited over Valentine's Day. It's always like this every year but this year there seems to be a bit more excitement. Decorations such as love hearts and mini-Cupid artworks are already being made. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I walked past several students stapling pictures onto the walls and handing out flyers.

Okay, so maybe this is the first and only year that the entire town is celebrating Valentine's Day in the town square, and that's somehow a big deal. But what does that have to do with my education? Apparently, everything because my school being the one and only high school in Westwood Hill the council decided it would be a great idea for us young adults to "get involved" with the community.

        "You've got to be kidding me." I muttered, almost too loudly when I walked into my Art class and saw the words: Theme: Valentine's Day next to a picture of what appears to be a baby holding a bow and arrow.

I couldn't help but think that babies shouldn't be allowed to handle such dangerous weapons. I knew it was a picture of Cupid, of course. I wasn't stupid but I did wonder if the person who portrayed Cupid as a baby was. Why would a baby have a bow and arrow and how would it know how to use it?

        "Avery!" I heard someone chirp, dragging me away from my thoughts. I looked up only to see my best friend Emma already sitting on our usual table at the back.

        "Hey, Em!" I greeted back shuffling around a few tables and stepping over bags on the floor and sat down next to her.

        Emma pointed at the board looking amused, "I think you've already seen the theme for this month, and I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to hate it." She grinned at me widely which made me roll my eyes.

        "I'm glad that you find this so amusing." I said sounding a bit more bitter than I had meant to.

        "Settle down, everyone. The bell has gone and class has started." Mrs. Holmes stood at the front, trying to get everyone to quiet down as she explained this month's theme.

As soon as I heard the words "Valentine's Day" fly out of her mouth, I zoned out.

I diverted my gaze from the board, away from the changing PowerPoint slides. I had no interest in learning about Cupid and his dumb arrows. It wasn't long until I found something to distract myself with while Mrs. Holmes' high pitched voice turned into white noise in the background.

I couldn't help but notice the slight bump on my art teacher's stomach. Maybe she's pregnant, I thought to myself. But then I realised that she has had that bump for the past two years that she's taught me. Pregnancies only last 9 months; she can't possibly be two years pregnant. Maybe it's just fat, not that I'm calling my teacher fat because she's not but...yeah, I should probably stop because I seem to be digging myself into a hole.

I was preoccupied with thinking about how everyone else in my class seemed to be so fascinated with this whole Valentine's Day and Cupid theme. To be honest, I don't think it's that special or great for that matter.

        "Avery, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Holmes asked with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

        I simply nodded, a bit too eagerly. "Y-yes, miss." I replied, slowly sinking back into my chair in shame of being caught of not paying attention.

        "Well then, you wouldn't mind telling me the powers of both of Cupid's arrows." She said. Damn, I had no clue.

        "Well...umm...i-it's..." I stuttered.

        "Avery, please pay more attention because this month's project is going to affect your overall grade quite tremendously." And with that being said, she moved onto the next slide.

        "Cupid carries two kinds of arrows, one with a sharp golden point, and the other with a blunt tip of lead. A person wounded by the golden arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire, but the one struck by the lead feels aversion and desires only to flee." Mrs. Holmes explained again and droned on and on for what seemed like forever.

I tried to pay more attention after that. Art is, after all, my best subject and I'm not going to let some lame ass theme bring my grade down. How hard can drawing a bunch of love hearts and arrows be? I'm sure even a chimpanzee could manage this project.

        "I want you all to work in pairs," Mrs. Holmes chirped and paused, clasping her hands together.

I grinned at Emma who was sat opposite me and she grinned back. This project is going to lame and boring but a piece of cake.

        "But, I'll be choosing your partners for you." She continued.

Maybe, it won't be as easy I originally thought...

I couldn't avoid that feeling at the bottom of my stomach. Please, please don't put pair me up with someone annoying, please. I silently begged, wishing that my teacher would somehow hear me plea.

Mrs. Holmes walked around towards each table and read off her clipboard and told everyone who their partners were. Soon enough she reached the very back table, my table.

        "Emma, you'll be working with Aaron." Emma's sigh of relief was clearly audible.

Aaron was a jock, but he wasn't a bully or anything. To be honest, he was nice, kind of. But he does have a reputation for being a player just like the rest of his team. Although, I don't think Emma would mind being partners with him, he is, after all really hot and good looking.

Is being extremely hot and good-looking some kind of qualification one must have to get onto the football team or is that just a coincidence? That's a question; I'd like to have answered.

        Mrs. Holmes turned to face me and pushed her glasses further up her nose, "Avery, I want you to work with Sofia." She said, before walking away.

        I sighed deeply, "Thank goodness. I don't know what I would've done if I got stuck with someone who would irritate me. I think I'd just punch them in the face, with a chair." I chuckled.

        "You're so violent." Emma stated, laughing softly. I just shrugged and smiled at her, shrugging.

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{Unedited} Let me know if you see any mistakes :)

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