Chapter 4

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Thanks to @LoganEPoole for the cover -->

27 Days before Valentine’s Day


Ugh. What was that irritating loud noise? I pulled the bed covers over my head, hoping that it would block out the noise.


Argh! I threw my arm out, grabbed the alarm clock and chucked it somewhere on the floor. It landed with a crash and a loud thud. My eyes shot open –the sudden exposure to light made me wince and blink repeatedly- I realised that my Mum was probably awake and she would be wondering what the thud was and she’d find out that I threw my alarm on the floor. That won’t be good.

I dragged myself out of bed and took a hot shower before doing my usual routine of ‘wear whatever I see first’ and then brushing my hair and quickly putting on a light layer of make-up before heading downstairs to eat breakfast.

I was already in a bad mood when I woke up because I was tired and didn’t get enough sleep because I’ve become paranoid that Dylan will somehow make me fail Art. And if I fail Art, I’ll never get into Art school, I’ll never get the job I want, I won’t be happy.

Today hasn’t started out well. I’m tired and cranky. I broke my alarm clock –now I have to get a new one. I was in the shower longer than I thought and hadn’t realised because my clock was broken so now I’m running late. To make it worse, I have an algebra test first thing today. I have no clue why teachers decide to give tests on Fridays. Why can’t they give them out on Mondays so it matches the whole ‘I hate today’ theme?

        I rushed into the kitchen, “Morning Mum.” I said walking past her and reaching into the fridge for a glass of orange juice.

        “Morning, hun.” She replies, not looking up from the newspaper. ‘Breakfast is on the table.’ She says. As usual, I silently add.

         “Morning, Dylan,” I greeted and sat down.

        “Good morning, Avery!” he responded, while I dug into my toast, fried eggs and bacon. I was trying to eat as quickly as I could without chocking because I didn’t have any time to waste. I might miss the bus if I don’t hurry up.

Wait. Hold up. Dylan?! I froze, my mouth still full of food. Dylan grinned widely, his blue eyes shining. I must be dreaming. I blinked once, twice, as if trying to get something out of my eyes. He was still there. I shook my head and pinched my arm, hard. I winced from the pain.

        “You’re not dreaming.” He says.

        I suddenly choked on my food and I quickly gulped down the entire glass of orange juice. He chuckled, “W-what are you doing here?” I ask, still trying to recover from my choking accident.

Dylan was about to answer my question when my Mum interjected, the newspaper still in her hand. She leaned on the door frame “Dylan is driving you to school from now on. You go to the same school, have almost the same classes and this way, we’ll reduce carbon emissions.” She shot me a look, warning me not to argue with her.

I always knew my Mum was one of those people who tried everything to help the planet from recycling bottles and plastic to biking to work instead of taking her car but I doubt me getting on the bus will instantly kill the planet. It still travels the same distance when I get on it and when I don’t because it goes on the exact same route everyday!

Besides, I think I’d rather get hit by the bus than to ride in the same car as Dylan. I don’t want that thing breathing the same air as me. A house is confined enough; I don’t want to be stuck in a smaller space, like a car.

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